
In: Computer Science

This program is written in Java and should be modularized in methods in one class. This...

This program is written in Java and should be modularized in methods in one class.

This program will calculate the Gross Earnings, FICA tax (Medicare and Social Security taxes), Federal Tax Withheld, and Net Amount of the payroll check for each employee of a company. The output must contain numbers with 2 decimal places. The user input must be validated – if incorrect data is entered, send an error message to the user.


The application must be able to collect the following “required” information for each employee:

  1. Name
  2. Hourly Wage (must be a positive number)
  3. Hours Worked (must be a positive number)
  4. Withholding Exemptions (valid values are from 0 to 10)
  5. Marital Status (Single or Married)


These are the outputs:

  1. For each employee display the following:
    1. Gross Earnings
    2. FICA Tax (display both Medicare and Social Security taxes)
    3. Federal Income Tax Withheld
    4. Net Earnings


For each employee (HINT: Do while QUIT is not entered) calculate the following for their individual payroll for the week. Use an array to hold the gross pay amounts and print the grand payroll total once the user types QUIT.

Gross earnings: Hourly wage times hours worked (with time and a half after 40 hours).

FICA Tax: sum of 6.2% of the total wages (Social Security tax) and 1.45% of total wages (Medicare tax)

Federal Income Tax Withheld: Subtract $55.77 from the gross earnings for each withholding exemption giving the Adjusted Gross Income. Based on the Adjusted Gross Income, use the following parameters to determine the federal tax based on marital status:

Adjusted Gross Income

Income Tax Withheld (S)

Income Tax Withheld (M)

$0 to $50.99



$51 to $500.99

10% over $51

5% over $51

$501 to $2,500.99

$45.00 + 15% of amount over $500.00

$22.50 + 10% of amount over $500.00

$2,501 to $5,000

$345.00 + 20% of amount over $2,500

$225.50 + 15% of amount over $2,500

Over $5,000

$845.00 + 25% of amount over $5,000

$600.50 + 20% of amount over $5,000

Net Earnings: Gross Earnings – FICA taxes – Federal Income Tax Withheld

Here is an example of the output format:

Paystub Calculator


Employee Name:(type 'Quit' to end program)

Sam Smith

Hourly Wage: 10

Hours Worked: 40

Withholding Exemptions: 0

Marital Status (S = Single, M = Married): M

Paycheck for Tomie Gartland

Gross Income:                           $      400.00

less Medicare Tax:                     $        5.80

less Social Security Tax:              $       24.80

less FICA Tax:                         $       30.60

less Federal Income Tax Withheld:      $       17.45

Net Income:                             $      351.95


Employee Name:(type 'Quit' to end program)

Sally Smith

Hourly Wage: 25

Hours Worked: 50

Withholding Exemptions: 2

Marital Status (S = Single, M = Married): M

Paycheck for Sally Smith

Gross Income:                           $     1375.00

less Medicare Tax:                     $       19.94

less Social Security Tax:              $       85.25

less FICA Tax:                         $      105.19

less Federal Income Tax Withheld:      $       98.85

Net Income:                             $     1170.97


Employee Name:(type 'Quit' to end program)


Grand Paycheck Totals--------------------------------


Total Gross Income:                     $     1775.00

Total Medicare Tax:                     $       25.74

Total Social Security Tax:              $      110.05

Total FICA Tax:                         $      135.79

Total Income Tax Withheld:              $      116.30

Total Net Income:                       $     1522.92




Expert Solution


I have implemented all the methods in a single class as mentioned in the question. I have used various methods to calculate the gross earnings,tax,income, marital status,etc.I have used total variables to store the totals of all incomes,taxes,etc.I have also shown the output of the code,please find it attached with the answer.I have used DecimalFormat to format the output upto two decimal places.Please upvote if you liked my answer and comment of you need any modification or explanation

//code starts

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class GrossEarnings {

   public double getGrossIncome(float hourlyWage, float hoursWorked) {
       double grossIncome = 0;
       if (hoursWorked > 40) {
           grossIncome += (hourlyWage * 1.5 * (hoursWorked - 40));
           hoursWorked = 40;
       grossIncome += hourlyWage * hoursWorked;
       return grossIncome;


   public double getSocialSecurityTax(double grossIncome) {
       double socialSecurityTax = 0;
       socialSecurityTax = (6.2 * grossIncome) / 100;
       return socialSecurityTax;


   public double getMedicareTax(double grossIncome) {
       double medicalTax = 0;
       medicalTax = (1.45 * grossIncome) / 100;
       return medicalTax;


   public double getFederalTax(double grossIncome, int withHolding, char maritalStatus) {
       double federalTax = 0;
       double adjustGrossEarning = grossIncome - withHolding * 55.77;
       switch (maritalStatus) {
       case 'M':
           if (adjustGrossEarning >= 0 && adjustGrossEarning <= 50.99)
               return 0;
           else if (adjustGrossEarning >= 51 && adjustGrossEarning <= 500.99) {
               federalTax += (5 * (adjustGrossEarning - 51)) / 100;
               return federalTax;
           } else if (adjustGrossEarning >= 501 && adjustGrossEarning <= 2500.99) {
               federalTax += 22.50 + (10 * (adjustGrossEarning - 500)) / 100;
               return federalTax;
           } else if (adjustGrossEarning >= 2501 && adjustGrossEarning <= 5000) {
               federalTax += 225.50 + (15 * (adjustGrossEarning - 2500)) / 100;
               return federalTax;
           } else if (adjustGrossEarning > 5000) {
               federalTax += 600.50 + (20 * (adjustGrossEarning - 5000)) / 100;
               return federalTax;
       case 'S':
           if (adjustGrossEarning >= 0 && adjustGrossEarning <= 50.99)
               return 0;
           else if (adjustGrossEarning >= 51 && adjustGrossEarning <= 500.99) {
               federalTax += (10 * (adjustGrossEarning - 51)) / 100;
               return federalTax;
           } else if (adjustGrossEarning >= 501 && adjustGrossEarning <= 2500.99) {
               federalTax += 45.00 + (15 * (adjustGrossEarning - 500)) / 100;
               return federalTax;
           } else if (adjustGrossEarning >= 2501 && adjustGrossEarning <= 5000) {
               federalTax += 345.00 + (20 * (adjustGrossEarning - 2500)) / 100;
               return federalTax;
           } else if (adjustGrossEarning > 5000) {
               federalTax += 845.00 + (25 * (adjustGrossEarning - 5000)) / 100;
               return federalTax;

       return federalTax;


   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
       GrossEarnings grossEarnings = new GrossEarnings();
       DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("##.00");
       double totalGrossIncome = 0;
       double totalMedicalTax = 0;
       double totalSocialSecurityTax = 0;
       double totalIncomeTax = 0;
       double totalNetIncome = 0;
       Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
       BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
       System.out.println("Paystub Calculator");
       while (true) {
           System.out.println("Employee Name:(type 'Quit' to end program)");
           String name = bufferedReader.readLine();//;
           if (name.trim().compareTo("Quit") == 0)
           System.out.print("Hourly Wage:");
           float hourlyWage = Float.parseFloat(bufferedReader.readLine());
           System.out.print("Hours Worked:");
           float hoursWorked = Float.parseFloat(bufferedReader.readLine());
           System.out.print("Withholding Exemptions:");
           int withholdingExemptions = Integer.parseInt(bufferedReader.readLine());
           System.out.print("Marital Status (S = Single, M = Married):");
           char maritalStatus = bufferedReader.readLine().charAt(0);
           double grossIncome = grossEarnings.getGrossIncome(hourlyWage, hoursWorked);
           System.out.println("Gross Income:\t\t\t $" + df.format(grossIncome));
           double medicalTax = grossEarnings.getMedicareTax(grossIncome);
           System.out.println("less Medicare Tax:\t\t $" + df.format(medicalTax));
           double securityTax = grossEarnings.getSocialSecurityTax(grossIncome);
           System.out.println("less Social Security Tax:\t $" + df.format(securityTax));
           System.out.println("less FICA Tax:\t\t\t $" + df.format((medicalTax + securityTax)));
           double federalTax = grossEarnings.getFederalTax(grossIncome, withholdingExemptions, maritalStatus);
           System.out.println("less Federal Income Tax Withheld: $" + df.format(federalTax));
                   .println("Net Income:\t\t\t $" + df.format((grossIncome - medicalTax - securityTax - federalTax)));
           totalGrossIncome += grossIncome;
           totalIncomeTax += federalTax;
           totalMedicalTax += medicalTax;
           totalSocialSecurityTax += securityTax;
           totalNetIncome += grossIncome - medicalTax - securityTax - federalTax;

       System.out.println("Grand Paycheck Totals--------------------------------");
       System.out.println("Total Gross Income: \t\t $" + df.format(totalGrossIncome));
       System.out.println("Total Medicare Tax: \t\t $" + df.format(totalMedicalTax));
       System.out.println("Total Social Security Tax: \t $" + df.format(totalSocialSecurityTax));
       System.out.println("Total FICA Tax: \t\t $" + df.format((totalMedicalTax + totalSocialSecurityTax)));
       System.out.println("Total Income Tax Withheld: \t $" + df.format(totalIncomeTax));
       System.out.println("Total Net Income: \t\t $" + df.format(totalNetIncome));




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