
In: Statistics and Probability

Determine if each variable included in the data set is quantitative (continuous, numerical) or qualitative (categorical)...

Determine if each variable included in the data set is quantitative (continuous, numerical) or qualitative (categorical) and then give its level of measurement:



Marital Status

Highest education level



Rate general health

Rate physical fitness

Rate current weight

Do you smoke

How many cigarettes per day

How many alcoholic drinks per day

How many caffeine drinks per day

Hours sleep week nights

Hours sleep weekends

How many hours sleep needed

Trouble falling asleep?

Trouble staying asleep

Wake up during the night

Work night shift

Light sleeper?

Wake up feeling refreshes weekdays

Satisfaction with amount of sleep

Rate quality of sleep

Rating of stress over last week

Medication to help you sleep?

Do you have a problem with your sleep

Rate impact of sleep problem on mood

Rate impact of sleep problem on energy level

Rate impact of sleep problem on concentration

Rate impact of sleep problem on memory

Rate impact of sleep problem on overall well-being

Rate impact of sleep problem on relationships

Stop breathing during your sleep

Restless sleeper

Ever fallen asleep while driving

Ever cause accident due to sleepy

Epworth sleepiness scale

HADS Anxiety

HADS Depression

Rate level of fatigue over last week

Rate level of lethargy over last week

Rate how tired over last week

Rate how sleepy over last week

Rate lack energy over the last week

Problem staying asleep recoded

Problem getting to sleep recoded

Quality of sleep recoded into 4 groups

Sleepy & associated sensations scale

Number of cigs per day recoded into 3 groups

Age recoded into 3 groups

Problem with sleep recoded into 0/1

Fall asleep while driving recoded into 0/1

Non-medication sleep hours weeknight



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