In: Operations Management
List eight characteristics of services and explain what impact each characteristic has on the design process.
Eight characteristic of service 1. perishability ,2.Fluctuating demand,3. Intangibility,4. non separability , 5 heterogeneity, 6 prising of service 7.immesurability. 8. Lack of ownership
Design process- Design process involve 1. Need identification 2. Conduct research,3. Brain storm solution, 4.Choosing alternative, 5 Built a prototype 6. test and evaluate, 7 redress to improve. 8 final model .
When model is design for service sector then it has to pass thought this steps.
1 As characteristic of service perishability is concern it hold no shelf life or alteration. Hence designing it consume repetition of task from step one and consequently other parameter change.
2. As service demand alter according to season , the experiment team has to weight for long duration till next season
3.As services Intangibility and can not be touch the customer opinion may alter over period of time with same or constant other parameter.
4.Insaperability - service can not be separate from product hence, only design for service is not possible product limitation interfere with model design.
5.Hetrogenety - the service requirement alter according to customer and same model can not be representative for all customer.
6. Prising - paying capacity differ according to culture & importance.
7.Immuseribility - customer satisfaction is immeasurable from stastical point of view & customer feeling can be digitally represented for feelings.
8 Lack of ownership - each service is time bound and its ownership not hold by single individual.
Thus there are contentious update in service design model . Model which get acceptable universally earns lot.