
In: Computer Science

Write a recursive method repeatNTimes(String s, int n) that accepts a String and an integer as...

Write a recursive method repeatNTimes(String s, int n) that accepts a String and an integer as two parameters and returns a string that is concatenated together n times. (For example, repeatNTimes ("hello", 3) returns "hellohellohello") Write a driver program that calls this method from the Main program. Need code in c#.


Expert Solution

Thanks for the question, here is the recursive program


using System;

class Driver {

public static string repeatNTimes(String s, int n){

// base case

if(n<=0)return "";

// call recursively

else return s + repeatNTimes(s,n-1);


public static void Main (string[] args) {

Console.WriteLine (repeatNTimes("hello",3));

Console.WriteLine (repeatNTimes("hello",7));




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