
In: Computer Science

Code in Java Write a recursive method, reverseString, that accepts a String and returns the String...

  • Code in Java
  • Write a recursive method, reverseString, that accepts a String and returns the String reversed.
  • Write a recursive method, reverseArrayList, that accepts an ArrayList of Strings and returns the ArrayList in reserve order in reserve order of the input ArrayList.
  • Write a main method that asks the user for a series of Strings, until the user enters “Done” and puts them in an ArrayList. Main should make use to reverseArrayList and reverseString to reverse each String in the ArrayList and then reverse the ArrayList.

Input Format

a series of Strings followed by the word done.



Output Format

The strings reversed and in reverse order

Sample Input 0


Sample Output 0

Enter a series of Strings, each on a different line. When done, type "Done".

Sample Input 1


Sample Output 1

Enter a series of Strings, each on a different line. When done, type "Done".

Sample Input 2


Sample Output 2

Enter a series of Strings, each on a different line. When done, type "Done".

Sample Input 3


Sample Output 3

Enter a series of Strings, each on a different line. When done, type "Done".


Expert Solution

I have implemented reverseString() and reverseArrayList() method which will reverse the string and reverse array list which contains number of strings respectively.

1> public String reverseString(String str) :- This method uses the substring() and charAt() method of String class and return reverse string by calling itself. (Recursion).

2> public void reverseArrayList(ArrayList<String> list) :- This method get the first item then remove it each time untill the list does not becomes empty then after add the items that are removed. Thus, our list is reversed using this method in recursive mannar.


This program get the strings from user until the user does not enter "Done". After that reverseString() method called which reverse the each string of array list and then call the reverseArrayList() method which will reverse our array list.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class TestReverse {

     * This method returns the reverse string
     * @param str to be reverse
     * @return reverse string
    public String reverseString(String str) {
            base condition
            untill the string become empty
         if (str.isEmpty())
            return str;
        //Calling method Recursively by cgetting string fromm index 1 each time and adding  oth index character.
        return reverseString(str.substring(1)) + str.charAt(0);

     * This method reverse the array list
     * @param list to be reverse
    public void reverseArrayList(ArrayList<String> list) {
            base condition 
            return when list become empty
        // now store first string from the array lsit
        String firstString = list.get(0);
        // then remove first string
        // now after getting the laset element after recursion add it to the fitst
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // create an object of TestReverse class for callinfg reverseString() and  reverseArrayList()
        TestReverse reverse = new TestReverse();
        // create an object of Scanner class for user input
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
        // create an array list which stores iputted string
        ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
        // get the string from the user
        String string = sc.nextLine();
        // ask string from user untill the user does not enter Done
            // add the string into the array list
            // again get the string from the user
            string = sc.nextLine();
        // now reverse string of array list
        for(int i=0; i<list.size(); i++){
            // call the reverrseString(string) method which will reverse string using recursion
            String reverseString = reverse.reverseString(list.get(i));
            // now set the reverseString in array list
            list.set(i, reverseString);
        // now call the reverseArrayList() method
        System.out.println("\nEnter a series of Strings, each on a different line. When done, type \"Done\".");
        // print each reversed string and reverse array list
        for(String strReversed : list)



1> Sample output 1

2> Sample output 2

3> Sample output 3

4> Sample output 4

I hope you will understand above program and how to reverse string and arraylist using recursion.

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Thank you.

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