
In: Computer Science

How do I remove a node from a linked list C++? void LinkedList::Remove(int offset){ shared_ptr<node> cursor(top_ptr_);...

How do I remove a node from a linked list C++?

void LinkedList::Remove(int offset){

shared_ptr<node> cursor(top_ptr_);

shared_ptr<node> temp(new node);

if(cursor == NULL) {

temp = cursor-> next;

cursor= temp;

if (temp = NULL) {

temp->next = NULL;



else if (cursor-> next != NULL) {

temp = cursor->next->next;

cursor-> next = temp;

if (temp != NULL) {

temp->next = cursor;





Expert Solution

Please find the updated function below , which removes the node

void LinkedList::Remove(int offset){ //Take the offset

shared_ptr<node> cursor(top_ptr_); // first pointer which will reach the offset

shared_ptr<node> temp(top_ptr_); //Temp pointer which will be behind the offset

int count = 1; // count to match the offset

while(cursor->next ! = NULL){ //iterate entire list

if(cnt == offset){ // if we find the offset

temp->next = cursor ->next; //assign the temp of next to cursor of next(if its 1st node still it wil work)

delete(cursor); // detele the main node;

cout<<" Node removed successfully"<<endl;

return ; // retun from the function


temp = cursor; // set temp to cursor

cursor = cursor ->next; // move cursor to next node

cnt++; //increase the count


//if we are out of the loop means we have iterated all the list then we have not found offset

cout<<"The off set entred is less than or greater than the length of list, please enter correct offset"<<endl;



i have clearly explained each line of the code, it quite straight forward.

Thanks , still if you have any doubt please post a comment.

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