
In: Computer Science

C++ Please Define a function named "isAscending" that accepts a string as an input parameter and...

C++ Please

  1. Define a function named "isAscending" that accepts a string as an input parameter and returns "true" if all the characters included in the string are ordered in ascending order of their ASCII codes or the input string is a null string, and returns "false" otherwise. For example, if the string "ABXab" is passed to the function, it returns "true" because the ASCII code of 'B' is greater than 'A', 'X' is greater than 'B', 'a' is greater than 'X', and 'b' is greater than 'a'. However, if any of the strings: "AABC" or "abcA" are passed to the function, the function returns "false", because in the first one equal characters are found and in the second one the character 'A' is following the character 'c' where the ASCII code of 'A' is smaller than the ASCII code of 'c'.
  2. Write a program that repeatedly reads a single character from the keyboard and if the character is a digit, the character is appended to a string that is initially null, otherwise, it won't be appended and the program continues. Once the user enters a '#' character, the input step terminates. After the input step terminates, the program calls the "isAscending" function defined in the previous step to check if the user entered the digits in ascending order or not, and displays one of the following messages accordingly:
    • "All digits were entered in ascending order."
    • "Digits were not entered in ascending order."

Two sample runs of this program are given below:

Sample Run 1:

Enter a sequence of characters and enter '#' to terminate the input:











All digits were entered in ascending order.

Sample Run 2:

Enter a sequence of characters and enter '#' to terminate the input:











Digits were not entered in ascending order.


  1. Use the "string" class to write this program.
  2. Except for the methods "length", "at", and "push_back" do not use any other method of the "string" class or any other library function in this program. The "push_back" is called on a string object and accepts a character as its input parameter and appends the character to the end of the string.

California College


Expert Solution


#include <bits/stdc++.h> // importing library files for input/output/string functions
using namespace std;

// defining the function required
void isAscending(string s){
    int n=s.length(); // getting the length of string
    int count=1;
    for(int i=1;i<n-1;i++){
        if(s[i-1]>s[i]){  // condition checking the order
    if(count==n-1){  // printing based on the sequence
        cout<<"All digits were entered in ascending order."<<endl;
        cout<<"Digits were not entered in ascending order."<<endl;

// driver code
int main() {
        char c;
        string s;
        while(c!='#'){  // taking inputs
        isAscending(s);  // calling the function
        return 0;


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