
In: Computer Science

Using Java 8. Write a program that reads an expression in postfix notation, builds the expression...

Using Java 8. Write a program that reads an expression in postfix notation, builds the expression tree and prints the expression in prefix and infix notation and evaluates the expression. (Hint use a stack)


Expert Solution

import java.util.*;

class Solution {

    static boolean isOperand(char x)


    return (x >= 'a' && x <= 'z') ||

            (x >= 'A' && x <= 'Z');



// Get Infix for a given postfix

// expression

static String getInfix(String exp)


    Stack<String> s = new Stack<String>();


    for (int i = 0; i < exp.length(); i++)


        // Push operands

        if (isOperand(exp.charAt(i)))


        s.push(exp.charAt(i) + "");



        // We assume that input is

        // a valid postfix and expect

        // an operator.



            String op1 = s.peek();


            String op2 = s.peek();


            s.push("(" + op2 + exp.charAt(i) +

                    op1 + ")");




    // There must be a single element

    // in stack now which is the required

    // infix.

    return s.peek();


    static boolean isOperator(char x)


        switch (x) {

        case '+':

        case '-':

        case '/':

        case '*':

            return true;


        return false;


    // Convert postfix to Prefix expression

    static String postToPre(String post_exp)


        Stack<String> s = new Stack<String>();

        // length of expression

        int length = post_exp.length();

        // reading from right to left

        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {

            // check if symbol is operator

            if (isOperator(post_exp.charAt(i))) {

                // pop two operands from stack

                String op1 = s.peek();


                String op2 = s.peek();


                // concat the operands and operator

                String temp

                    = post_exp.charAt(i) + op2 + op1;

                // Push String temp back to stack



            // if symbol is an operand

            else {

                // push the operand to the stack

                s.push(post_exp.charAt(i) + "");



        // concatenate all strings in stack and return the

        // answer

        String ans = "";

        for (String i : s)

            ans += i;

        return ans;


    // Driver Code

    public static void main(String args[])


        String post_exp = "ABC/-AK/L-*";

        // Function call

        System.out.println("Prefix : "

                           + postToPre(post_exp));

        System.out.println( "Infix : "+getInfix(post_exp));



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