
In: Computer Science

**write a java program infix to postfix**showing the expression tree*** I. Input All input data are...

**write a java program infix to postfix**showing the expression tree***

I. Input

   All input data are from a file "in.dat". The file contains a
sequence of infix form expressions, one per line. The character '$' 
is an end mark. For example, the following file has four infix form 

   1 + 2 * 3 ^ ! ( 4 == 5 ) $
   3 * ( 6 - 4 * 5 + 1) + 2 ^ 2 ^ 3 $
   77 > ( 2 - 1 ) + 80 / 4 $
   ! ( 2 + 3 * 4 >= 10 % 6 ) && 20 != 30 || 45 / 5 == 3 * 3 $

Each expression is a sequence of tokens (i.e., constant integers,
operators, and end mark) separated by spaces. There is no variable.

II. Output

   Output data and related information are sent to the screen.
Your program should do the following for each expression:

   (1) printing the expression before it is manipulated;
   (2) showing the converted postfix form expression;
   (3) showing the expression tree;
   (4) printing the fully parenthesized infix form expression;
   (5) reporting the value of the expression.

III. Operators

   The following operators are considered. They are listed in the
decreasing order of precedence.

   Token            Operator            Associativity

    !               logical not         right-to-left
    ^               exponentiation      right-to-left
    *  /  %         multiplicative      left-to-right
    +  -            additive            left-to-right
    <  <=  >  >=    relational          left-to-right
    ==  !=          equality            left-to-right
    &&              logical and         left-to-right
    ||              logical or          left-to-right

IV. Other Requirements

   Since a large amount of information are to be displayed on the
screen, it is mandatory for your program to provide users a prompting
message such as

          Press <Enter> to continue ...

after each expression is processed, so that users have the chance to
check the output of your program carefully.

V. Algorithm: Infix_to_postfix conversion

  Input:  An infix form expression E = t1 t2 t3 ... $,
          which is a sequence of tokens.
  Output: The postfix form expression of E.

    do {
      get the next token t;
      case (t) {
         operand: place t onto the output;
        operator: while (stack s is not empty
                    && stacktop(s) is not a left parenthesis)
                    && precedence(stacktop(s)) >= precedence(t)
                       // assuming left-to-right associativity, 
                       // not for the exponentiation operator ^, 
                       // which has right-to-left associativity 
                        place x onto the output;
               (: push(t,s);
               ): while (stacktop(s) is not a left parenthesis) {
                      place x onto the output;
        end mark: while (stack s is not empty) {
                      place x onto the output;
                  place the end mark onto the output;
    } while (t is not the end mark);


Expert Solution

private int getPreference(char c){
        if(c=='+'|| c=='-') return 1;
        else if(c=='*' || c=='/') return 2;
        else return -1;
    private int calculatePostFix(List<String> postFixList){
        Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<>();
        for(int i=0;i<postFixList.size();i++){
            String word = postFixList.get(i);
            if(word.length()==1 && (word.charAt(0)=='+'||word.charAt(0)=='-'||word.charAt(0)=='*'||word.charAt(0)=='/')){
                int number2 = stack.pop();
                int number1 = stack.pop();
                    int number = number1+number2;
                }else if(word.charAt(0)=='-'){
                    int number = number1-number2;
                }else if(word.charAt(0)=='*'){
                    int number = number1*number2;
                    int number = number1/number2;
                int number = Integer.parseInt(word);
        return stack.peek();
    private List<String> getPostFixString(String s){
        Stack<Character> stack = new Stack<>();
        List<String> postFixList = new ArrayList<>();
        boolean flag = false;
        for(int i=0;i<s.length();i++){
            char word = s.charAt(i);
            if(word==' '){
                flag = false;
            }else if(word==')'){
                flag = false;
            }else if(word=='+' || word=='-' || word=='*' || word=='/'){
                flag = false;
                    while(!stack.isEmpty() && getPreference(stack.peek())>=getPreference(word)){
                    String lastNumber = postFixList.get(postFixList.size()-1);
                    postFixList.set(postFixList.size()-1, lastNumber);
                flag = true;
        return postFixList;
    public int calculate(String s) {
        List<String> postFixString = getPostFixString(s);
        return calculatePostFix(postFixString);

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