
In: Statistics and Probability

The average number of people in a family that received welfare for various years is given...

The average number of people in a family that received welfare for various years is given below.

Year Welfare family size
1969 4.0
1973 3.6
1975 3.2
1979 3.0
1983 3.0
1988 3.0
1991 2.9

Part (a)

Calculate the least squares line. Put the equation in the form of:

? = a+ bx.

(Round your answers to three decimal places.)
? = ________ + _______ x

Part (b)

Find the estimated welfare family size in 1972. (Use your equation from part (a). Round your answer to one decimal place.)
Find the estimated welfare family size in 1989. (Use your equation from part (a). Round your answer to one decimal place.)



Expert Solution

The statistical software output for this problem is:

Simple linear regression results:
Dependent Variable: Welfare family size
Independent Variable: Year
Welfare family size = 88.720616 - 0.043176816 Year
Sample size: 7
R (correlation coefficient) = -0.85326872
R-sq = 0.72806751
Estimate of error standard deviation: 0.23287573

Parameter estimates:

Parameter Estimate Std. Err. Alternative DF T-Stat P-value
Intercept 88.720616 23.362318 ? 0 5 3.7975947 0.0127
Slope -0.043176816 0.01180077 ? 0 5 -3.6588136 0.0146

Analysis of variance table for regression model:

Source DF SS MS F-stat P-value
Model 1 0.72598732 0.72598732 13.386917 0.0146
Error 5 0.27115554 0.054231108
Total 6 0.99714286

Predicted values:

X value Pred. Y s.e.(Pred. y) 95% C.I. for mean 95% P.I. for new
1972 3.5759354 0.12662773 (3.2504285, 3.9014424) (2.894534, 4.2573369)
1989 2.8419296 0.14055165 (2.4806301, 3.2032291) (2.1427225, 3.5411366)


Part a):

? = 88.721 + (-0.043) x

Part b):

Estimated welfare family size in 1972 = 3.6

Estimated welfare family size in 1989 = 2.8

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