
In: Statistics and Probability

Price (in K) Sqft Age Features CornerCODE Corner_Label 310.0 2650 13 7 0 NO 313.0 2600...

Price (in K) Sqft Age Features CornerCODE Corner_Label
310.0 2650 13 7 0 NO
313.0 2600 9 4 0 NO
320.0 2664 6 5 0 NO
320.0 2921 3 6 0 NO
304.9 2580 4 4 0 NO
295.0 2580 4 4 0 NO
285.0 2774 2 4 0 NO
261.0 1920 1 5 0 NO
250.0 2150 2 4 0 NO
249.9 1710 1 3 0 NO
242.5 1837 4 5 0 NO
232.0 1880 8 6 0 NO
230.0 2150 15 3 0 NO
228.5 1894 14 5 0 NO
222.0 1928 18 8 0 NO
223.0 1830 16 3 0 NO
220.5 1767 16 4 0 NO
216.0 1630 15 3 1 YES
218.9 1680 17 4 1 YES
204.5 1725 13 3 0 NO
204.5 1500 15 4 0 NO
202.5 1430 10 3 0 NO
202.5 1360 12 4 0 NO
195.0 1400 16 2 1 YES
201.0 1573 17 6 0 NO
191.0 1385 22 2 0 NO
274.5 2931 28 3 1 YES
260.3 2200 28 4 0 NO
230.0 2277 30 4 0 NO
235.0 2000 37 3 0 NO
207.0 1478 53 3 1 YES
207.0 1713 30 4 1 YES
197.2 1326 25 4 0 NO
197.5 1050 22 2 1 YES
194.9 1464 34 2 0 NO
190.0 1190 41 1 0 NO
192.6 1156 37 1 0 NO
194.0 1746 30 2 0 NO
192.0 1280 28 1 0 NO
175.0 1215 43 3 0 NO
177.0 1121 46 4 0 NO
177.0 1050 48 1 0 NO
179.9 1733 43 6 0 NO
178.1 1299 40 6 0 NO
177.5 1140 36 3 1 YES
172.0 1181 37 4 0 NO
320.0 2848 4 6 0 NO
264.9 2440 11 5 0 NO
240.0 2253 23 4 0 NO
234.9 2743 25 5 1 YES
230.0 2180 17 4 1 YES
228.9 1706 14 4 0 NO
225.0 1948 10 4 0 NO
217.5 1710 16 4 0 NO
215.0 1657 15 4 0 NO
213.0 2200 26 4 0 NO
210.0 1680 13 4 0 NO
209.9 1900 34 3 0 NO
200.5 1565 19 3 0 NO
198.4 1543 20 3 0 NO
192.5 1173 6 4 0 NO
193.9 1549 5 4 0 NO
190.5 1900 3 3 0 NO
188.5 1560 8 5 1 YES
186.0 1365 10 2 0 NO
185.5 1258 7 4 1 YES
184.9 1314 5 2 0 NO
180.0 1338 2 3 1 YES
180.9 997 4 4 0 NO
180.5 1275 8 5 0 NO
180.0 1030 4 1 0 NO
178.0 1027 5 3 0 NO
177.9 1007 19 6 0 NO
176.0 1083 22 4 0 NO
182.3 1320 18 5 0 NO
174.0 1348 15 2 0 NO
172.0 1350 12 2 0 NO
166.9 837 13 2 0 NO
234.5 3750 10 4 1 YES
202.5 1500 7 3 1 YES
198.9 1428 40 2 0 NO
187.0 1375 28 1 0 NO
183.0 1080 20 3 0 NO
182.0 900 23 3 0 NO
175.0 1505 16 2 1 YES
167.0 1480 19 4 0 NO
159.0 1142 10 0 0 NO
212.0 1464 7 2 0 NO
315.0 2116 25 3 0 NO
177.5 1280 14 3 0 NO
171.0 1159 23 0 0 NO
165.0 1198 10 4 0 NO
163.0 1051 15 2 0 NO
289.4 2250 40 6 0 NO
263.0 2563 17 2 0 NO
174.9 1400 45 1 1 YES
238.0 1850 5 5 1 YES
221.0 1720 5 4 0 NO
215.9 1740 4 3 0 NO
217.9 1700 6 4 0 NO
210.0 1620 6 4 0 NO
209.5 1630 6 4 0 NO
210.0 1920 8 4 0 NO
207.0 1606 5 4 0 NO
205.0 1535 7 5 1 YES
208.0 1540 6 2 1 YES
202.5 1739 13 3 0 NO
200.0 1715 8 3 0 NO
199.0 1305 5 3 0 NO
197.0 1415 7 4 0 NO
199.5 1580 9 3 0 NO
192.4 1236 3 4 0 NO
192.2 1229 6 3 0 NO
192.0 1273 4 4 0 NO
191.9 1165 7 4 0 NO
181.6 1200 7 4 1 YES
178.9 970 4 4 1 YES

1.) Make a multiple regression model using these potential numerical predictor variables and, at most, one categorical dummy variable.

2.)Write the sample multiple regression equation for the “final best” model you have developed.

3.) Look at the set of residual plots, cut and paste them into the report, and briefly comment on the appropriateness of your fitted model.


Expert Solution

(1) Regression Analysis
Adjusted R² 0.729 n   117
R   0.859 k   4
Std. Error   19.795 Dep. Var. Price (in K)
ANOVA table
Source SS   df   MS F p-value
Regression 124,004.2121 4   31,001.0530 79.12 9.90E-32
Residual 43,885.2558 112   391.8326
Total 167,889.4679 116  
Regression output confidence interval
variables coefficients std. error    t (df=112) p-value 95% lower 95% upper std. coeff.
Intercept 111.6367 0.000
Sqft 0.0586 0.0038 15.292 3.46E-29 0.0510 0.0662 0.807
Age -0.2079 0.1517 -1.371 .1732 -0.5084 0.0926 -0.068
Features 2.2579 1.4453 1.562 .1210 -0.6057 5.1215 0.083
CornerCODE -10.2273 4.7006 -2.176 .0317 -19.5409 -0.9138 -0.105
(2) The regression equation is Price (in K) = 111.6367 + 0.0586 Sqft - 0.2079 Age + 2.2579 Features - 10.2273 CornerCODE

The normal probability plot of residuals shows a straight line pattern, so the assumptions of simple linear regression are satisfied.
R^2 = 0.729 means the model accounts for 72.9% of the variation in Price (in K) on the basis of the predictor variables. The model is a good fit.
Age and Features have p- values > 0.05 and are therefore not significant. Dropping these from the model, we can get the final regression equation as Price (in K) = 111.3012 + 0.0617 Sqft - 11.0245 CornerCODE
Regression Analysis
Adjusted R² 0.722 n   117
R   0.852 k   2
Std. Error   20.066 Dep. Var. Price (in K)
ANOVA table
Source SS   df   MS F p-value
Regression 121,986.6611 2   60,993.3305 151.48 7.92E-33
Residual 45,902.8068 114   402.6562
Total 167,889.4679 116  
Regression output confidence interval
variables coefficients std. error    t (df=114) p-value 95% lower 95% upper std. coeff.
Intercept 111.3012 0.000
Sqft 0.0617 0.0036 17.330 9.90E-34 0.0546 0.0688 0.849
CornerCODE -11.0245 4.7516 -2.320 .0221 -20.4374 -1.6115 -0.114

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