In: Anatomy and Physiology
When thinking of the cell and all of its component organelles, can you compare anything in society that simulates the cell and it's inner workings?
I have a factory(CELL) which have various machines (ORGANELLES) for manufacturing various products. In this factory there is Wall compound (plasma membrane) which posses large number of gates(protein channels) these gates selectively permits the exchange of materials between inside and outside. This factory has a directoring department (Nucleus) where director/CEO (DNA) is present which regulates/controls all the activities of the factory and provides necessary information for various functions. In this department, a specific cabin (nucleolus) is also present which forms machine of bricks (ribosomes).
These machines form brick (protein) which is used for synthesizing various structures.
Also this factory have some escalators(cytoskeleton) which helps to transport various substance across the factory. There aee various types of machine with specific function like brick machine (ER rough), cement machine (smooth ER for Fats/ lipids), packing machine (Golgi complex) for condensation and packaging of materials, destroying machine (Lysosome) for destruction of waste material, Electricity generator (mitochondria) which provides energy for all processes, power supply (chloroplast) which synthesize fuel. Also our factory is mobile as it is located over large moving vehicle/ships which move by their wheels(cilia /flagella)