
In: Biology

Explain which structures or organelles in a plant cell you would get rid of, why you...

Explain which structures or organelles in a plant cell you would get rid of, why you would get rid of these structures or organelles, and how you would compensate for loss of the functions that these structures and organelles provide.  You must get rid of 5 structures or organelles.  Explain them in the order in which you would get rid of them.

nucleus (nuclear envelope, nucleolus, chromatin), golgi apparatus, mitochondria, cell wall, plasmodesma, chloroplast, central vacuole, ribosome, rough er, smooth er, plasma membrane, perioxisome, microfilaments, microtubule


Expert Solution

the cell organelle we can rid of -

  1. mitochondria :- the energy house which is helpful to provide ATP , a cell currency . .If we removed it from the plant cell . the ATP production is less down but not stop completely. As we know that the Chloroplast is also performing the electrons transport sysytem and chemosmotic theory, it produced ATP . so there is another cell organelle who is trying to recover the function of chloroplast.
  2. cell wall :- it is helpfu to plant cell to maintain its shape. it is helpful in the protection of cell. It is permiable membrane.  it controls the endosmosis process and avoid the cell bursting . If we remove it , there may be slight changes in the shape of plant cell the transportation does not affect . The plasma membrane is sectiveluy permiable but transport useful and required chemicals in and out of the cell.
  3. peroxisomes :- it is small globular body which helpful for the oxidation of unwanted chemicals . It is also helpful in the photorespiration process. if we removed it , the oxidadative breakdown of extra unwanted substance may performed in the vesicle which relesed by golgi bodies, here we called it as dictyosomes.
  4. plasmodesmata :- it is a connection between two plant cells , helping for the chemical movements between neighboring cells . If we removed plasmodesmata, still there is a movement of molecules between two cells by the process of osmosis and faciliated and simple diffusion. and may by active and passive transportation through the plasma membrane.
  5. microfillaments .:- Microfilaments assist with cell movement and are made of a protein called actin. It form  part of the cytoskeleton. which help to maitain the shape of cells . If we removed it , the number of microtubels and intermediate filaments will increase to maintain the cytoskeleton and cell shape. Because the cytoskeleton is not only made up of sinle microfilament but a combination of The cytoskeleton of a cell is made up of microtubules, actin filaments, and intermediate filaments.

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