
In: Computer Science

A2_1 Function and modular a) Write a module that contains three functions: cal_factorial(x) – receives...

A2_1 Function and modular

a) Write a module that contains three functions:

cal_factorial(x) – receives a positive integer “x” and returns the factorial of that number.

list_multiples(number, length) – takes a non-negative integer “number” and a positive integer “length”, and returns a list of multiples of “number” up to “length”. For instance (2,3) should return [2,4,6], and (7,5) should return [7,14,21,28,35].

find_max(a_list) – takes a list of integers and returns the largest number.

Note that no built-in functions can be used in this module (len( ), print(), and range( ) are exceptions).

b) Write a program that contains a main() function and one instruction that calls the main() function in the execution section of the program.

Upon execution, this program prints the following options on the screen:

  Please choose your task:

1 – calculate factorial

2 – generate a list of multiples

3 – find max number in a list

Once the user enters their choice of task, the program will prompt a message that asks them to input the argument(s) for each function. For instance, if the user option is 2, the program will print “Please enter a non-negative number and a length: ”. The program then computes the task by calling a function in the module and prints the result on the screen.

Your program should also catch exceptions on unexpected inputs. When an unexpected input is entered, prompt the ask-for-input message again.

A2_2 Testing and tracing

Write the testing code in the module. Provide five testing cases for each function. Debug your code using tracing before you submit.


Expert Solution

def cal_factorial(n): 
   if n == 1:  
       return n  
       return n*recur_factorial(n-1) 
def list_multiples(number, length):
    a = range(length, (length * number)+1, length) 
    result = list(a)
def find_max(a_list):
    # Assume first number in list is largest 
    # initially and assign it to variable "max" 
    max = a_list[0] 
    # Now traverse through the list and compare  
    # each number with "max" value. Whichever is  
    # largest assign that value to "max'. 
    for x in a_list: 
        if x > max : 
             max = x 
    # after complete traversing the list  
    # return the "max" value 
    return max

a_list = [2,5,4,1,3,10,500,40]

I have uploaded the code of the question above and also I have uploaded the screenshot of the working code with output.

Kindly please see.

Thank You...

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