
In: Computer Science

I need to write these three functions in Python using turtle module. def line(t, coord1, coord2)...

I need to write these three functions in Python using turtle module.

def line(t, coord1, coord2)

  • t is a turtle object passed in
  • coord1 and coord2 are 2-element lists that represent x, y coordinates
  • draws a line from coord1 to cord2

def poly(t, *coords)

  • t is a turtle object passed in
  • *coords is any number of x, y coordinates each as a 2-element list
  • draws a polygon based on coords (will close off polygon by drawing a line from last coord to first)

def rectangle(t, coord, width, height, color)

  • t is a turtle object passed in
  • coord is upper left corner of rectangle
  • assume width and height are ints
  • color is the color to fill with
  • (use t.color('red'), t.begin_fill(), and t.end_fill())


Expert Solution

Function 1: line


import turtle

def line(t, coord1, coord2):
        t.goto((coord1[0], coord1[1]))
        t.goto((coord2[0], coord2[1]))

line(turtle, [50, 100], [100, 50])



Function 2: Polygon


import turtle

def poly(t, *coords):
        i = 0
        while i < len(coords)-1:
                i += 1


poly(turtle, [50, 100], [100, 50], [0, 50], [0, 200], [200, 100])



Function 3: Rectangle


import turtle

def rectangle(t, coord, width, height, color):

        t.goto([coord[0]+width, coord[1]]) #Goes to the co ordinate width pixels to the right
        t.goto([coord[0]+width, coord[1]+height]) #Goes to the point width pixels to the right and height pixels down
        t.goto([coord[0], coord[1]+height]) #Goes to the point height pixels down
        t.goto(coord)#Back to start


rectangle(turtle, [100, 50], 100, 50, "red")



I hope this resolved your doubts. If you have further doubts do let me know.

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