
In: Computer Science

Just need the desktop test for this two function a) Write a function that receives the...

Just need the desktop test for this two function
a) Write a function that receives the number of terms (n) and returns a container with the first n
TunaPoke numbers. Present a "print screen" of the results and their respective desktop test when the
function is invoked with the 16.
(b) Write a function that receives a limit number and returns a container with the first numbers
TunaPoke that do not exceed the specified limit. Present a "print screen" of the results and their respective
desktop test when function is invoked with 1000.
def tunapoke(n):
    if n==1:
        return [1]
    if n==2:
        return [1,2]
    if n==3:
        return [1,2,3]
    for i in range(3,n):
        if ls[i-1]%2==0 and ls[i-1]%3!=0:
        elif ls[i-1]%3==0 and ls[i-1]%2!=0:
    return ls

def tunapoke_for_nth_no(n):
    if n==1:
        return [1]
    if n==2:
        return [1,2]
    if n==3:
        return [1,2,3]
    while ls[i-1]<=n+1:
        if ls[i-1]%2==0 and ls[i-1]%3!=0:
        elif ls[i-1]%3==0 and ls[i-1]%2!=0:
    del ls[-1]
    return ls


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