
In: Computer Science

PYTHON: Complete these functions in the module: f2c, a function to convert Fahrenheit temperatures to Celcius....

PYTHON: Complete these functions in the module:

  1. f2c, a function to convert Fahrenheit temperatures to Celcius.
  2. c2f, a function to convert Celcius termperatures to Fahrenheit.
  3. Write f2c() and c2f() as functions that return a true value or False. In other words, these functions do not print — they return. A "true value", in this case, would be a number that corresponds to a temperature.
  4. If the user enters an invalid temperature, the function should return False.
  5. Create _main(), a function for testing the all of the functions in your module (f2c, c2f, circ, and area).
    • When your module is run on the command line as a standalone program, the _main() function will run.

    • When your module is required by a program, the _main() function will not run.

Here's some code to get you started with your module. You have to add functionality to f2c, c2f, and _main(), and you have to write the function testing code. Complete any functions that contain a pass statement by adding your code.

# For pi
import math 
# Use _main() for testing the module. You will see code at the bottom
# of the script that will invoke _main() when the script is run as a
# standalone script.
def _main():

    print("#" * 28,"\n", "Testing...1, 2, 3...testing!\n", "#" * 28, "\n", sep="")

    # code to test area() and circ()
    radius = 10
    print("A circle with a radius of {} has a circumference of {:.2f} \
units and an area of {:.2f} square units.".format(radius, circ(radius), area(radius)))

    ---- ---- ---- ----- --- ------- ------
    ---- ---- ---- ----- --- ------- ------
    # TODO: write code to test the f2c() function 

    # TODO: write code to test the c2f() function 

    # TODO: write code to test the area() function 

    # TODO: write code to test the circ() function 

# Calculate the area of a circle of a given radius
def area(radius):
    return(radius * radius * math.pi)

# Calculate the circumference of a circle of a given radius
def circ(radius):
    return(radius * 2 * math.pi)

# TODO: Complete the functions below for credit 

""" Triple quotes can be used to create multi-line comments

For temperature functions it's important to allow only valid temperatures. 
Your functions have to check that the user gives the function valid 

The lowest possible temperature, by international agreement,
is absolute zero (zero on the Kelvin scale). At 0 K (–273.15 °C; –459.67 °F), 
nearly all molecular motion ceases. Your script should
check that the input temperatures is not less than –273.15°C or –459.67°F.

The maximum possible temperature is 1.416785(71)×10**32 kelvins
(142 quintillion kelvins) --- there is no existing scientific theory
for the behavior of matter at these energies.

def f2c(temp):
    Converts Fahrenheit tempature to Celcius
    USAGE: print(f2c(f_temp))
def c2f(temp):
    Converts Celcius to Fahrenheit
    USAGE: print(c2f(c_temp))

# testing code
# When run on the command line, this code will run
# but when the module is imported, it won't run.
# In _main(), test all of our modules' function.
if __name__ == '__main__':

When run in testing mode your module should generate output for all of the functions defined in the module:

Testing...1, 2, 3...testing!

A circle with a radius of 10 has a circumference of 62.83 units and an area of 314.16 square units.

The incomplete functions f2c and c2f return False, which is the default return value of Python functions.


Expert Solution

Here is the completed code for this problem. Comments are included, go through it, learn how things work and let me know if you have any doubts or if you need anything to change. If you are satisfied with the solution, please rate the answer. If not, PLEASE let me know before you rate, I’ll help you fix whatever issues. Thanks

import math

# Use _main() for testing the module. You will see code at the bottom
# of the script that will invoke _main() when the script is run as a
# standalone script.
def _main():
    print("#" * 28, "\n", "Testing...1, 2, 3...testing!\n", "#" * 28, "\n", sep="")

    # code to test area() and circ()
    radius = 10
    print("A circle with a radius of {} has a circumference of {:.2f} \
units and an area of {:.2f} square units.".format(radius, circ(radius), area(radius)))

    ---- ---- ---- ----- --- ------- ------
    ---- ---- ---- ----- --- ------- ------

    # DONE: write code to test the f2c() function
    print("\n### Testing f2c() with valid inputs ###")
    f = 0
    print("{:.2f} F is {:.2f} C".format(f, f2c(f)))
    f = -200
    print("{:.2f} F is {:.2f} C".format(f, f2c(f)))
    f = 125
    print("{:.2f} F is {:.2f} C".format(f, f2c(f)))
    print("\n### Testing f2c() with invalid input ###")
    f = -460
    print("f2c({:.2f}): {}".format(f, f2c(f)))
    # DONE: write code to test the c2f() function
    print("\n### Testing c2f() with valid inputs ###")
    c = 0
    print("{:.2f} C is {:.2f} F".format(c, c2f(c)))
    c = -200
    print("{:.2f} C is {:.2f} F".format(c, c2f(c)))
    c = 125
    print("{:.2f} C is {:.2f} F".format(c, c2f(c)))
    print("\n### Testing c2f() with invalid input ###")
    c = -300
    print("c2f({:.2f}): {}".format(c, c2f(c)))
    # DONE: write code to test the area() function
    print("\n### Testing area() ###")
    radius = 15
    print("area of circle with radius: {} is {:.2f}".format(radius, area(radius)))
    radius = 100
    print("area of circle with radius: {} is {:.2f}".format(radius, area(radius)))
    # DONE: write code to test the circ() function
    print("\n### Testing circ() ###")
    radius = 15
    print("circumference of circle with radius: {} is {:.2f}".format(radius, circ(radius)))
    radius = 100
    print("circumference of circle with radius: {} is {:.2f}".format(radius, circ(radius)))

# Calculate the area of a circle of a given radius
def area(radius):
    return (radius * radius * math.pi)

# Calculate the circumference of a circle of a given radius
def circ(radius):
    return (radius * 2 * math.pi)

# DONE: Complete the functions below for credit

""" Triple quotes can be used to create multi-line comments

For temperature functions it's important to allow only valid temperatures. 
Your functions have to check that the user gives the function valid 

The lowest possible temperature, by international agreement,
is absolute zero (zero on the Kelvin scale). At 0 K (–273.15 °C; –459.67 °F), 
nearly all molecular motion ceases. Your script should
check that the input temperatures is not less than –273.15°C or –459.67°F.

The maximum possible temperature is 1.416785(71)×10**32 kelvins
(142 quintillion kelvins) --- there is no existing scientific theory
for the behavior of matter at these energies.

def f2c(temp):
    Converts Fahrenheit tempature to Celcius
    USAGE: print(f2c(f_temp))
    if temp < -459.67:  # if temp is below -459.67F, returning False
        return False
    c = (temp - 32) * (5 / 9)  # otherwise converting temp to celsius
    return c

def c2f(temp):
    Converts Celcius to Fahrenheit
    USAGE: print(c2f(c_temp))
    if temp < -273.15:  # if temp is below -273.15C, returning False
        return False
    f = (temp * 9 / 5) + 32  # otherwise converting temp to fahrenheit
    return f

# testing code
# When run on the command line, this code will run
# but when the module is imported, it won't run.
# In _main(), test all of our modules' function.
if __name__ == '__main__':


Testing...1, 2, 3...testing!

A circle with a radius of 10 has a circumference of 62.83 units and an area of 314.16 square units.

### Testing f2c() with valid inputs ###
0.00 F is -17.78 C
-200.00 F is -128.89 C
125.00 F is 51.67 C

### Testing f2c() with invalid input ###
f2c(-460.00): False

### Testing c2f() with valid inputs ###
0.00 C is 32.00 F
-200.00 C is -328.00 F
125.00 C is 257.00 F

### Testing c2f() with invalid input ###
c2f(-300.00): False

### Testing area() ###
area of circle with radius: 15 is 706.86
area of circle with radius: 100 is 31415.93

### Testing circ() ###
circumference of circle with radius: 15 is 94.25
circumference of circle with radius: 100 is 628.32

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