
In: Computer Science

Types and techniques of validation controls. It mentions that there are six validation controls: five validators...

Types and techniques of validation controls. It mentions that there are six validation controls: five validators and one validation summary control.

Question 1, choose to examine two validators and explain their syntax and purpose.

*What are the differences between session management and state management?

*What are two best practices of session management?


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Differences Between Session Managements and State Managements

Session Managements State Managements
Session Managements is used for storing data on the server side. State Managements is used or storing data on the client side,

Types of Sessions are :

  1. In-Process Mode
  2. State Server Mode
  3. SQL Server Mode
  4. Custom Mode
  5. Off Mode

Types of State are :

  1. Application State
  2. Session State
  3. Cookie State
  4. View State
Session Management is used to mange the multiple request from a single user or web based application.

State Management is used to manage the state of multiple user interface control.

For Example:- Ok button, radio button, text fields etc.


There are various best practices of session management are as follows :

  • The main practices of session is a communication within server and client on HTTP.
  • The session can be refreshed when there are request for change.
  • In session management identifiers are unique so they are not shared with any protocols.

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