
In: Statistics and Probability

[USING R & dataset “Boston”] Using the leave-one-out cross-validation and 5-fold cross-validation techniques to compare the...

[USING R & dataset “Boston”] Using the leave-one-out cross-validation and 5-fold cross-validation techniques to compare the performance of models in (a) and (b) with:

(a) SalesPredict <- lm(Sales ~ Price + Urban + US, data = Carseats)

(b) SalesRevise <- lm(Sales ~ Price + US, data = Carseats)

Hint: Functions update (with option subset) and predict.


Expert Solution

When Use method LOOVC(Leave one out cross validation) and 5-fold Cross Validation.

5-fold Cross Validation gives more Rsquare value comparison to LOOVC method.

According to anlaysis 5-Fold Cross Validation is good from LOOVC method.

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