
In: Computer Science

Replace the lines marked with // *** with the appropriate C# code (may require more than...

Replace the lines marked with // *** with the appropriate C# code (may require more than one line of code to complete the missing parts).

// Program Description: This program uses two user defined methods to compute
//    the gross pay and net pay for an employee after entering the employee’s
//    last name, hours worked, hourly rate, and percentage of tax.

using System;
public static class Lab6
   public static void Main()
      // declare variables
      int hrsWrked;
      double ratePay, taxRate, grossPay, netPay=0;
      string lastName;

     // enter the employee's last name
     Console.Write("Enter the last name of the employee => ");
     lastName = Console.ReadLine();

     // enter (and validate) the number of hours worked (positive number)
        Console.Write("Enter the number of hours worked (> 0) => ");
        hrsWrked = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
     } while (hrsWrked < 0);

     // enter (and validate) the hourly rate of pay (positive number)
     // *** Insert the code to enter and validate the ratePay

     // enter (and validate) the percentage of tax (between 0 and 1)
     // *** Insert the code to enter and validate taxRate

     // Call a method to calculate the gross pay (call by value)
     grossPay = CalculateGross(hrsWrked, ratePay);

     // Invoke a method to calculate the net pay (call by reference)
     CalculateNet(grossPay, taxRate , ref netPay);

     // print out the results
     Console.WriteLine("{0} worked {1} hours at {2:C} per hour", lastName,
                       hrsWrked, ratePay);
     // *** Insert the code to print out the Gross Pay and Net Pay

  // Method: CalculateGross
  // Parameters
  //      hours: integer storing the number of hours of work
  //      rate: double storing the hourly rate
  // Returns: double storing the computed gross pay
  public static double CalculateGross(int hours, double rate)
     // *** Insert the contents of the CalculateGross Method

  // Method: CalculateNet
  // Parameters
  //      grossP: double storing the grossPay
  //      tax: double storing tax percentage to be removed from gross pay
  //      netP: call by reference double storing the computed net pay
  // Returns: void
  public static void CalculateNet(double grossP, double tax, ref double netP)
     // *** Insert the details of the CalculateNet Method


Expert Solution

Application name :Lab6App

Language used :C#

Type of Application :Console application

using System;

public static class Lab6
public static void Main()
// declare variables
int hrsWrked;
double ratePay, taxRate, grossPay, netPay = 0;
string lastName;

// enter the employee's last name
Console.Write("Enter the last name of the employee => ");
lastName = Console.ReadLine();

// enter (and validate) the number of hours worked (positive number)
Console.Write("Enter the number of hours worked (> 0) => ");
hrsWrked = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
} while (hrsWrked < 0);

// enter (and validate) the hourly rate of pay (positive number)
// *** Insert the code to enter and validate the ratePay
Console.Write("Enter the hourly rate of pay (> 0) => ");
ratePay = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());//reading ratePay
} while (ratePay < 0);

// enter (and validate) the percentage of tax (between 0 and 1)
// *** Insert the code to enter and validate taxRate
Console.Write("Enter the percentage of tax (> 0 and <1) => ");
taxRate = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());//reading taxRate
} while (taxRate< 0 || taxRate>1);

// Call a method to calculate the gross pay (call by value)
grossPay = CalculateGross(hrsWrked, ratePay);

// Invoke a method to calculate the net pay (call by reference)
CalculateNet(grossPay, taxRate, ref netPay);

// print out the results
Console.WriteLine("{0} worked {1} hours at {2:C} per hour", lastName,
hrsWrked, ratePay);
// *** Insert the code to print out the Gross Pay and Net Pay
Console.WriteLine("Gross Pay :{0} and Net Pay : {1}",grossPay,netPay);

// Method: CalculateGross
// Parameters
// hours: integer storing the number of hours of work
// rate: double storing the hourly rate
// Returns: double storing the computed gross pay
public static double CalculateGross(int hours, double rate)
// *** Insert the contents of the CalculateGross Method
return hours * rate;//return gross pay by multiplying hours into rate

// Method: CalculateNet
// Parameters
// grossP: double storing the grossPay
// tax: double storing tax percentage to be removed from gross pay
// netP: call by reference double storing the computed net pay
// Returns: void
public static void CalculateNet(double grossP, double tax, ref double netP)
// *** Insert the details of the CalculateNet Method
netP = grossP - grossP*tax;


Output :

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