In: Computer Science
Use Racket
;The following two lines are required to test the code.
(require rackunit)
(require rackunit/text-ui)
Important Rules:
1.) You may not use loop constructs like while/for/sum. If used,
your answer will get a zero.
2.) If the instructions state something must be recursive, you will
recieve a zero if it is not recursive.
Recursive helper functions are allowed (the main function not being
3.) You may not use the set! command. If used, your answer will get
a zero.
4.) Using If/Cond to explicitly pass tests instead of following the
will always result in a zero for that question.
5.) Use #t and #f instead of true or false. Racket treats them
in some special cases.
;Question 13
; Write a recursive function exactly_one_q to check if a list of
; contains exactly one q symbol.
; Don't forget the base case and the necessary recursion.
; You may use any previously written function.
;Hint: The answer to question 11 is helpful to use here.
; Check if a list contains exactly one q
; Input: L is a list of symbols (a,b,c,...,z).
; Output: a boolean value which is true when exactly one of the
; in L is equal to q and false otherwise.
; The empty list should return false.
(define (exactly_one_q L)
0;Complete this function definition.
(define-test-suite test_exactly_one_q
(check-equal? (exactly_one_q '(q)) #t)
(check-equal? (exactly_one_q '(x)) #f)
(check-equal? (exactly_one_q '(z r)) #f)
(check-equal? (exactly_one_q '(q d)) #t)
(check-equal? (exactly_one_q '(q q)) #f)
(check-equal? (exactly_one_q '(d e p)) #f)
(check-equal? (exactly_one_q '(q b q)) #f)
(check-equal? (exactly_one_q '(q q q)) #f)
(check-equal? (exactly_one_q '(q n q q)) #f)
(check-equal? (exactly_one_q '(m n m q)) #t)
(display "Question 13 exactly_one_q (10 points)")
(define q13_score (- 10 (run-tests test_exactly_one_q
Working code implemented in Dr.Racket and appropriate comments provided for better understanding.
Source Code for Question 13:
;Question 13
; Write a recursive function exactly_one_q to check if a list of
; contains exactly one q symbol.
; Don't forget the base case and the necessary recursion.
; You may use any previously written function.
;Hint: The answer to question 11 is helpful to use here.
; Check if a list contains exactly one q
; Input: L is a list of symbols (a,b,c,...,z).
; Output: a boolean value which is true when exactly one of the
; in L is equal to q and false otherwise.
; The empty list should return false.
(define (exactly_one_q L)
[(null? L) #f]
[(equal? (first L) 'q) (noti (at_least_one_q (rest L)))]
[else (exactly_one_q (rest L))]
(define-test-suite test_exactly_one_q
(check-equal? (exactly_one_q '(q)) #t)
(check-equal? (exactly_one_q '(x)) #f)
(check-equal? (exactly_one_q '(z r)) #f)
(check-equal? (exactly_one_q '(q d)) #t)
(check-equal? (exactly_one_q '(q q)) #f)
(check-equal? (exactly_one_q '(d e p)) #f)
(check-equal? (exactly_one_q '(q b q)) #f)
(check-equal? (exactly_one_q '(q q q)) #f)
(check-equal? (exactly_one_q '(q n q q)) #f)
(check-equal? (exactly_one_q '(m n m q)) #t)
(display "Question 13 exactly_one_q (10 points)")
(define q13_score (- 10 (run-tests test_exactly_one_q
Code Screenshots: