
In: Computer Science

This class should include .cpp file, .h file and driver.cpp (using the language c++)! Overview of...

This class should include .cpp file, .h file and driver.cpp (using the language c++)!

Overview of complex Class

The complex class presents the complex number X+Yi, where X and Y are real numbers and i^2 is -1. Typically, X is called a real part and Y is an imaginary part of the complex number. For instance, complex(4.0, 3.0) means 4.0+3.0i. The complex class you will design should have the following features.


Only one constructor with default value for Real = 0.0, Imaginary = 0.0; But it should construct the complex numbers with, 1) no argument, 2) 1 argument, 3) 2 arguments. Please refer the rat2.h file and rat2.cpp.

Data members

The complex has two members which should be Real values. For example, x+yi, Real = x, Imaginary = y.

Member functions : Provide the following four member functions:


returns the real part of the complex.


returns the imaginary part of this complex number.


sets the real part of the complex.


sets the imaginary part of this complex number.

Math operators

The class must implement binary arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. You should be able to use operators (+, -, *, /).

Addtion (+)

Add two objects. For example, (a+bi) + (c+di) = (a+c) + (b+d)i


Perform complex minus operation


Multiply the left-hand-side object by the right-hand-side and return complex object.


Divide the left-hand-side object by the right-hand-side object. You have to know the division of complex numbers. Divide by zero error should be handled in this method. That is, print an error message, and return the original one. Since it is an exception error, should not affect the following tasks. (Same for /= method)


The complex conjugate of the complex number z = x + yi is defined to be x − yi. This function returns the conjugate of the input complex.


The class must implement ==. !=.


The class must implement +=, -=, *= and /=. (Divide by zero error should be handled in /= method.)

Stream I/O

The class must implement the << and >> operators:


Take two values as a real and imaginary value.


The format will be: X+Yi, where X and Y are a Real and Imaginary value respectively. Of course, if either X or Y is 0, it should not be displayed. However, if both X and Y are 0, the output should be 0. Also note that if X is 1, it should be printed out as 1, and that if Y is 1, its output should be i. Wrong examples: 1+0 i, 0+2i, 1i, etc..In the case of Y be negative, it should not have “+” between the two. For example, print 2-3i, instead of 2+-3i.


Expert Solution

The code is written on Codeblocks. You can create your own main function

In the code written the sample main function is given and all the member function are commented properly.

ouput snippets is attached.code for the program is given below

Please paste it in some c++ support eidtor to see all the code flow for better understanding

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Complex{
float real;//real part of complex no
float img;//imaginary part of complex no
Complex(){ //default constructor
Complex(double r){ //constructor with one argument with sets only the real value
Complex(double r,double i){ //constructor with tow arguments
double getReal(){ //getter function to get the real value
return real;
double getImaginary(){ //getter function to get the imaginary value
return img;
void setReal(double r){ //setter function to set the real value;
void setImaginary(double i){ //setter function to set the imaginary value
Complex conjugate(Complex c){ //function to calculate the conjugate of the complex no
Complex res;
return res;
friend Complex operator +(Complex c1,Complex c2){ //function to calculate the sum on 2 complex no using +
Complex res;
return res;
friend Complex operator -(Complex c1, Complex c2) { //function to calculate the difference on 2 complex no using -
Complex res;
res.real = c1.real - c2.real;
res.img = c1.img - c2.img;
return res;
friend Complex operator *(Complex c1,Complex c2){ //function to calculate the multiplciation on 2 complex no using *
Complex res;
return res;
friend Complex operator /(Complex c1,Complex c2){ //function to calculate the division on 2 complex no using /
Complex c3=c2.conjugate(c2);
Complex n=c1*c3;
double d=c2.real*c2.real+c2.img*c2.img;
Complex res;
return res; // result complex no returned if denominator is not zero
cout<<"Denominator should not be zero";
return c1; //if denominator is zero it will return the numerator
friend bool operator ==(Complex c1,Complex c2){ //function to check if complex no are equal using ==
if(c1.real==c2.real&&c1.img==c2.img)return true;
return false;
friend bool operator !=(Complex c1,Complex c2){ //function to check if complex no are not equal using !=
if(c1.real==c2.real&&c1.img==c2.img)return false;
return true;
friend Complex operator +=(Complex c1,Complex c2){ //function to calculate sum and assign to first complex no
Complex res=c1+c2;
return res;
friend Complex operator -=(Complex c1,Complex c2){ //function to calculate difference and assign to first complex no
Complex res=c1-c2;
return res;
friend Complex operator *=(Complex c1,Complex c2){ //function to calculate multipllication and assign to first complex no
Complex res=c1*c2;
return res;
friend Complex operator /=(Complex c1,Complex c2){ //function to calculate division and assign to first complex no
Complex res=c1/c2;
return res;
friend ostream &operator<<( ostream &output, const Complex &c ) { //output function to output complex no using <<
else if(c.real>0){
else if(c.real==0.0&&c.img!=1){
output<< c.img<<"i";
else {
else output<<c.img<<"i";
return output;
friend istream &operator>>( istream &input, Complex &c ) { //input function to take input on complex no using >>
input >>c.real>>c.img;
return input;

int main(){ // main code
Complex c1,c2(4,5);
Complex c3;
else cout<<"No"<<endl;
return 0;

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