In: Computer Science
design a divide & conquer alogrithm that requires 2 recursive calls for array size greater than 2. the algorithm should receive an array of ints and output the product of the array. provide the reccurence equation and the big-oh analysis/tightest bound. and show the run-time if input to the algorithm passed the entire original array into the recursive call
The product of each elements from the array is the product of elements of left subarray and right subarray.
if the size of array is 2 then return product of both elements.
The algo is,
if start=end //if input size is 1
return x[start]
if start+1=end // if size is 2
return x[start]*x[end] //return the product of each element
else return Product(x, start,(start+end-1)/2)*Product(x, (start+end+1)/2,end) // product of left and right subarray
runtime analysis:
the algorithm breaks the problem of size n into 2 subproblems of size n/2 and takes constant time in doing so
so the recurrence is:
Solving it by recursively substituting T(n) we get
(assuming O(1) as 1, this will not change the running time since
both are constants)
putting 2k=n we get k=log(n)
the first term on the right side is just O(n) since 2logn=n and T(1)=1
the second term is a GP with logn terms and ratio=2 which sums to 2logn-1 which is also O(n)
So T(n)=O(n)