
In: Computer Science

c++ Write the implementation (.cpp file) of the Counter class of the previous exercise. The full...


Write the implementation (.cpp file) of the Counter class of the previous exercise.
The full specification of the class is:

  • A data member counter of type int.
  • An data member named counterID of type int.
  • A static int data member named nCounters which is initialized to 0.
  • A constructor that takes an int argument and assigns its value to counter. It also adds one to the static variable nCounters and assigns the (new) value of nCounters to counterID.
  • A function called increment that accepts no parameters and returns no value. increment adds one to the instance variable counter.
  • A function called decrement that accepts no parameters and returns no value. decrement subtracts one from the counter.
  • A function called getValue that accepts no parameters and returns an int. It returns the value of the instance variable counter.
  • A function named getCounterID that accepts no parameters and returns an int. getCounterID returns the value of the data member counterID.

The previous exercise:

Write the header file (.h file) of a class Counter containing:

  • A data member counter of type int.
  • A data member named counterID of type int.
  • A static int data member named nCounters.
  • A constructor that takes an int argument.
  • A function called increment that accepts no parameters and returns no value.
  • A function called decrement that accepts no parameters and returns no value.
  • A function called getValue that accepts no parameters and returns an int.
  • A function named getCounterID that accepts no parameters and returns an int.


Expert Solution

C++ Program:

File: Counter.cpp

#include "Counter.h"

//Static field initialization
int Counter::nCounters = 0;

Counter::Counter(int val)
counter = val;
nCounters = nCounters + 1;
counterID = nCounters;

void Counter::increment()
counter = counter + 1;

void Counter::decrement()
counter = counter - 1;

//Returns the counter value
int Counter::getValue()
return counter;

//Returns the counterId value
int Counter::getCounterID()
return counterID;

File: Counter.h


class Counter
int counter;
int counterID;
static int nCounters;

void increment();
void decrement();
int getValue();
int getCounterID();


File: main.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include "Counter.h"

using namespace std;

int main()
//Counter object
Counter cObj(10), cObj1(50);

cout << "\nCounter Id: " << cObj.getCounterID();
cout << "\nCounter Value: " << cObj.getValue();

cout << "\nIncrementing counter five times\n";

cout << "\nDecrementing counter\n";
cout << "\nCounter Value: " << cObj.getValue();

cout << "\n\n\nCounter Id: " << cObj1.getCounterID();
cout << "\nCounter Value: " << cObj1.getValue();

cout << "\n\n";

return 0;

Sample Run:

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