
In: Computer Science

Recall that an array could be a convenient way of storing the elements of a Heap....

Recall that an array could be a convenient way of storing the elements of a Heap. Give a Pseudocode that determines whether an array H[1..N] is indeed a Heap, i.e., it’s elements satisfy the Heap property.


Expert Solution


  • Array is the part of any programming language like c,c++,python etc.
  • It is define as"collection of similar data types elements".Which means it contain only one type as datatypes in which is declared. Like: int A[ ] (all elemnts are int type), char B[ ] , etc.
  • In array each element are identified by array index.Where is is denoted by A[1],A[1]......................A[n]
  • Array is stored in a way that the position of each element can be computed from its index value by a mathematical formula.
  • Formula: Address of A [ I ] = B + W * ( I – LB )

    B = Base address
    W = Storage Size of one element stored in the array (in byte)
    I = Subscript of element whose address is to be found  

    LB = Lower limit / Lower Bound of subscript, if not specified assume 0 (zero)​​​​

  • Array are used to hold one value at a time.
  • Array Representation:

Int A[6]={33,32,31,43,35,85}

1001   1004 1008 1012 1016 1020

33 32 31 43 35 85

A[0] A[1] A[2] A[3] A[4] A[5]

Where:1001 ,1004......................1020 = address or memory allocatrion

33,32......................85= Elemets of array

A[0] ,A[1]...................A[5] = Index value


  • Tree structure is known as Heap.
  • A heap is a binary tree with keys at its nodes.
  • In heap the value of each node is less than or equal to the value of parent node.
  • In Heap the root of the binary tree(first elements) is the largest value or minimum value also it is knowm as max haep and min heap.
  • The parent at each node is ≥ at its children node.

An array could be a convenient way of storing the elements of a Heap in following way:

1. Sequance representation of heap:

  • Sequance representation of heap is same as like array representation.
  • In sequence reprentation ,If the root of any sub-tree at the position n , then it left most child will be at position ( 2n+1) , And right most child at (2n+2) and after that the parent node at the position (n-1)/2 where n≠0.
  • Sequance representation of heap:

1001 1004 1008 1012 1016 1020

33 32 31 43 35 85

A[0] A[1] A[2] A[3] A[4] A[5]

Where:1001 ,1004......................1020 = address or memory allocatrion.

33,32......................85= Elemets of array.

A[0] ,A[1]...................A[5] = Index value.

2. Array representation of Heap's:

  • Store heap’s elements in an array (whose elements indexed, for convenience, 1 to n) in top-down left-to-right order.
  • Example:

Properties of a Heap:

  • Heap’s elements are ordered top down, but they are not ordered left to right.
  • The root contains the largest value.
  • The subtree rooted at any node of a heap is also a heap.
  • A heap can be represented as an array.

Pseudocode that determines whether an array H[1..N] is indeed a Heap:

Here: H[1...n]= array which elemnts tends to 1 to n.

N=represent the number of elments in array H[1....n]

  1. k=2 to N (repeat 2 to 9) /* k= index value of array H[1....n] */
  2. n=k and T=H[k] /* T= temporary variabl */
  3. Root node = n/2 (repeat 5 to 8) /* n position of root node*/
  4. while (i > 1) AND (T >H [root] )
  5. H [ i ] = H [root]
  6. i = root , root=n/2 /* next root node*/  
  7. root > 1 then:
  8. root = 1 End step 4.
  9. H [ i ]= T End step 1. /* copy new element value*/
  10. Return.

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