
In: Computer Science

This program will focus on utilizing functions, parameters, Python's math and random modules, and if-statements! To...

This program will focus on utilizing functions, parameters, Python's math and random modules, and if-statements!

To Start: You should fork the provided REPL, run the program and observe the output, and then take a look through the code. You may not 100% understand the code, but taking a quick look through what's there will be helpful in the future.

You are going to systematically replace the TODO comments with code so that the program will work as intended.

  1. TODO 0 is in both and Import the necessary functions from into Then in either import all of math and random right away, or import just the functions that you need as you write the code. DO NOT move the functions over to Use imports so that those functions can stay in
  2. TODO 1 is inside the get_num_drinks() function. You should set the variable num_drinks to a random number from 2 and 12 (inclusive) to simulate the number of drinks the customer is ordering. This is not user input. This is a computer-generated pseudorandom number using Python's random module (Links to an external site.).
  3. TODO 2 is below TODO 1. Print the random amount spent to the screen (see the first line in the sample outputs.)
  4. TODO 3 is in the get_drink_price() function. Generate one of 4 random numbers to be used in TODO 4.
  5. TODO 4 is below TODO 3. You need to write a series of if statements that use the random number from TODO 3 to select one of 4 random drink prices: $3.00, $3.75, $4.00, $4.50.
  6. TODO 5 is below TODO 4. Print the random drink price to the screen (see the second line in the sample outputs.)
  7. TODO 6 is in the bulk_discount() function. You should calculate the bulk discount as the square root of the total price. The total price is equal to the number of drinks * price of each drink. You will need to use Python's math module to make this calculation. Note that this function should return a decimal number for the discount. 25% = 0.25 discount
  8. TODO 7 is below TODO 6. Conditionally print a message to the screen. If the user buys at least 6 drinks and each drink costs at least $4, print a message to the user about how nice they are to their friends.
  9. TODO 8 is in the print_summary() function. Since the parameter discount is in the format 0.25 to be used in calculations, we need a new variable that contains 25 in order to print the receipt in a human-readable way.
  10. TODO 9 is below TODO 7. Round this to only 2 decimal places show when printing a number to the screen. So instead of something like 23.45666666667 printing, we want 23.45 (or 23.46). Essentially, we want all references to money to print with 2 decimal places (though trailing zeros may be missing).
  11. TODO 10. Bugs?! What? My code has bugs? Indeed it does. If you check out the receipt, the total after discount and savings are not correct. In print_summary, correct where the calculations are being made so that the summary reads properly.

Here are a couple sample runs of the program:

You're buying 5 drinks!
Each drink will cost $3.75.

Total purchase amount:        $18.75
4.33% Discount:              -$0.81
TOTAL AFTER DISCOUNT          $17.94
You Saved                     $0.81

# TODO 0: Import the functions from into your main so that the errors go away in this file.

# DO NOT move the functions over into You should use imports so that the functions can stay in

# Save the randomly generated number of drinks into the total_drinks variable

total_drinks = get_num_drinks()

# Save the randomly generated drink price into the total_drinks variable

cost_per_drink = get_drink_price()

# The purchase amount before discounts is the number of drinks * their price

overall_price = total_drinks * cost_per_drink

# Use purchase amount to calculate sale discount, save into variable

purchase_discount = bulk_discount(total_drinks, cost_per_drink)

# Pass the purchase amount and the discount to the print_summary function

print_receipt(overall_price, purchase_discount)

# TODO 0: Import math and random, or just the functions you need from those modules

# get_num_drinks

# Parameters: none

# Return: should generate and return the number of drinks to order

# Side effect: should print the number of drinks

def get_num_drinks():

num_drinks = 0 # TODO 1: generate a random number between 2 and 12

print() # TODO 2: print how many drinks were ordered to the screen, in a full sentence.

return num_drinks

# get_drink_price

# Parameters: none

# Return: should choose and return one of four drink costs

# Side effect: should print the drink price

def get_drink_price():

drink_type = 0 # TODO 3: generate a random number representing the drink type

drink_price = 0

# TODO 4: write if-statements based on drink_type that will set drink_price to the appropriate value

print() # TODO 5: print the drink price to the screen, in a full sentence including $ and punctuation.

return drink_price

# bulk_discount

# Parameters: none

# Return: A discount equal to the square root of the

# total purchase amount, in decimal form.

# e.g. If the customer spend $25, this is a 5% discount, and should be returned as .05.

# Side effect: if the user buys at least six drinks, AND each drink costs at least $4, print "Wow, you must really like your friends!"

def bulk_discount(total_drinks, price_per_drink):

amount = 0.0 # TODO 6: calculate the square root of the purchased amount, using the math module. Remember to return the percentage as a decimal, e.g. .05 rather than 5.

# TODO 7: if the user buys at least six drinks, and each drink costs at least $4, print "Wow, your friends must really like you!"

return amount

# print_receipt

# Parameters: amount spent, discount

# Return: none

# Side effect: prints a summary of the customer's purchase and discount savings

def print_receipt(original_total, discount):

human_readable_discount = 0 # TODO 8: Generate the human-readable discount from the discount variable, e.g. .06 should be 6, to print a 6% discount

saved = original_total * discount

new_total = original_total - discount

# TODO 9: Fix the formatting of the summary below to print exactly 2 decimal places for each number

# TODO 10: Check the output and make sure that it makes sense. If not, it means there are bugs still in the code.

print("****** CUSTOMER DISCOUNT SUMMARY ******")


print("Total purchase amount: \t\t $", original_total, sep="")

print(human_readable_discount, "% Discount: \t\t\t -$", saved, sep="")


print("TOTAL AFTER DISCOUNT\t\t $", new_total, sep="")


print("You Saved\t\t\t\t\t $", discount, sep="")



Expert Solution

I have completed the code and also attached the output

I have not done any changes in the previously written TODO comments and you can use them to easily understand what the code is doing.

I have also fixed some bugs from the provided code, so now it will work fine.

# TODO 0: Import the functions from into your main so that the errors go away in this file.
from coffee import get_num_drinks, get_drink_price, bulk_discount, print_receipt
# DO NOT move the functions over into You should use imports so that the functions can stay in

# Save the randomly generated number of drinks into the total_drinks variable
total_drinks = get_num_drinks()

# Save the randomly generated drink price into the total_drinks variable
cost_per_drink = get_drink_price()

# The purchase amount before discounts is the number of drinks * their price
overall_price = total_drinks * cost_per_drink

# Use purchase amount to calculate sale discount, save into variable
purchase_discount = bulk_discount(total_drinks, cost_per_drink)

# Pass the purchase amount and the discount to the print_summary function
print_receipt(overall_price, purchase_discount)

# TODO 0: Import math and random, or just the functions you need from those modules
import math
import random

# get_num_drinks
# Parameters: none
# Return: should generate and return the number of drinks to order
# Side effect: should print the number of drinks
def get_num_drinks():
    num_drinks = random.randint(2,12) # TODO 1: generate a random number between 2 and 12
    print("Number of Drinks ordered: ",num_drinks) # TODO 2: print how many drinks were ordered to the screen, in a full sentence.
    return num_drinks

# get_drink_price
# Parameters: none
# Return: should choose and return one of four drink costs
# Side effect: should print the drink price
def get_drink_price():
    types = [0, 1, 2, 3]
    drink_type = random.choice(types) # TODO 3: generate a random number representing the drink type
    prices = [3.00, 3.75, 4.00, 4.50]
    drink_price = 0
    # TODO 4: write if-statements based on drink_type that will set drink_price to the appropriate value
    if drink_type == 0:
        drink_price = prices[0] # $3.00
    if drink_type == 1:
        drink_price = prices[1] # $3.75
    if drink_type == 2:
        drink_price = prices[2] # $4.00
    if drink_type == 3:
        drink_price = prices[3] # $4.50
    print("The Price of the drink is: $", drink_price) # TODO 5: print the drink price to the screen, in a full sentence including $ and punctuation.
    return drink_price

# bulk_discount
# Parameters: none
# Return: A discount equal to the square root of the
# total purchase amount, in decimal form.
# e.g. If the customer spend $25, this is a 5% discount, and should be returned as .05.
# Side effect: if the user buys at least six drinks, AND each drink costs at least $4, print "Wow, you must really like your friends!"
def bulk_discount(total_drinks, price_per_drink):
    amount =  total_drinks * price_per_drink # TODO 6: calculate the square root of the purchased amount, using the math module. Remember to return the percentage as a decimal, e.g. .05 rather than 5.
    discount = math.sqrt(amount)/amount
    # TODO 7: if the user buys at least six drinks, and each drink costs at least $4, print "Wow, your friends must really like you!"
    if total_drinks>=6 and price_per_drink>=4.00:
        print("Wow, your friends must really like you!")
    return float(discount)

# print_receipt
# Parameters: amount spent, discount
# Return: none
# Side effect: prints a summary of the customer's purchase and discount savings
def print_receipt(original_total, discount):
    human_readable_discount = discount * 100 # TODO 8: Generate the human-readable discount from the discount variable, e.g. .06 should be 6, to print a 6% discount
    saved = original_total * discount
    new_total = original_total - saved

    # TODO 9: Fix the formatting of the summary below to print exactly 2 decimal places for each number
    # TODO 10: Check the output and make sure that it makes sense. If not, it means there are bugs still in the code.
    print("****** CUSTOMER DISCOUNT SUMMARY ******")
    print("Total purchase amount: \t\t ${:.2f}".format(original_total, sep=""))
    print("{:.2f}% Discount: \t\t -${:.2f}".format(human_readable_discount, saved, sep=""))
    print("TOTAL AFTER DISCOUNT\t\t ${:.2f}".format(new_total, sep=""))
    print("You Saved\t\t\t  ${:.2f}".format(saved, sep="") )


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