
In: Computer Science

Implement the following functions in a module called You must use the booksite modules stdarray...

Implement the following functions in a module called You must use the booksite modules stdarray and stdio to implement the functions.  

print1Darray() takes a one dimensional integer array argument and prints it (field width for each element should be 5).

print2Darray() takes a two dimensional integer array argument and prints it (field width for each element should be 5 - should be printed as a m x n matrix).

add2Darrays() takes 2, two dimensional integer array arguments. You can assume the arrays are the exact same size. The function returns a new array that is the addition of the 2 arrays passed in.  

print2DarrayBoolean() takes a two dimensional boolean array argument and prints a * in place of True and a space in place of False. Include row and column numbers.  


Expert Solution

Codes for above methods in Python3 are as follows:

def print1Darray(arr):
   for value in arr:
       print("%-5d" % value,end='')
def print2Darray(arr):
   for row in arr:
def add2Darrays(a,b):
   for i in range(len(a)):
       for j in range(len(a[0])):
   return add
def print2DarrayBoolean(arr):
   for row in arr:
       for col in row:
               print(" ",end='')


Sample output

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