
In: Computer Science

Focus on: Basic list operations, methods, use of functions, and good programming style. Program should be...

Focus on: Basic list operations, methods, use of functions, and good programming style. Program should be in basic python.

Part 1. Write a program that does the following:
1. Create a list of length N where N is a randomly selected integer between 10 and 20 and
whose elements are randomly selected integers between 0 and 19.
2. Print out the list.
3. Create a copy of the list. Sort the copy into decreasing order and print it.
4. Report the distinct elements in the list
Before continuing with the next two parts, add a function user_input(lo, hi) to your
program. It should ask the user for an integer between lo and hi and return the value. Use
appropriate error handling and input validation.

Part 2.
Write a function named how_many(a_list, a_num) that that expects a list of numbers
and a number as arguments. It returns how many times the number is found in the list.
If the number is not in the list, return 0. For example
how_many( [12, 15, 16, 4, 10, 3, 5, 7, 9, 15], 15 )
returns 2

And how_many( [12, 15, 16, 4, 10, 3, 5, 7, 9, 15], 11 )
returns 0
Ask the user for an integer between 0 and 19. If the number is in the list, report how
many times it occurs.

Part 3.
Write a function named find_bigger(a_list, a_num) that expects as arguments a list of
numbers and a number. It should return a new list consisting of all the numbers in the list
that are greater than the number. For example
find_bigger( [12, 15, 16, 4, 10, 3, 5, 7, 9, 15], 11 )
returns [12, 15, 16, 15]

And find_bigger( [12, 15, 16, 4, 10, 3, 5, 7, 9, 15], 15 )
returns [16]
Ask the user for an integer between 0 and 19 and then report how many of the items in the
list are greater than that number.


Expert Solution

Below are the codes with comments  for the above three Parts with output screens


Code with comments-

#using laibrary called random 
import random 
#generatin a random integer
#creating empty list 
#generating random elements 
for i in range(0,myrandom):
print("Random list is")
#copying the list 
print("Sort of list in decreasing order is")
#soring the list in descending order 
#generating distinctelements
print("The distinct elements in the list are")
#printing distinctelements

#our user_input function 
def user_input(lo,hi):
    #asking user to input between lo and hi 
    print("Please enter a value between ",lo,"and",hi)
    #checking if number in range 
    if(inputt<hi and inputt>lo):
        #checking if guessed number is right or not 
            z="Yes your guess is right"
            z="Oops your guess is wrong,the correct number is "+str(num)
    #if number not in range program will exit
        print("Please enter the number in given range next time")
    #returning the value z
    return z 
#calling the function with parameters lo and hi 

Output screens with code-

Please note the spelling mistake in comment 1 i.r library not laibrary for importing the library "random"


Note-You can remove multiline comments from line 9 to 19 if you want to test with your desired values and pass the values to the function

Code with comments-

#function how_many
def how_many(a_list,a_num):
    #checking if numbe ris in list if present return the count of the element 
    if(a_num in list(set(a_list))):
        return a_list.count(a_num)
    #else return 0
        return 0
print("Please enter How many elements do you want to enter")
for i in range(c):
print("Please enter Which element do you want to check")
#printing the result of the function how_many by passing a list and a number 
print(how_many( [12, 15, 16, 4, 10, 3, 5, 7, 9, 15], 15 ))

#asking the user to enter a number 
print("Please enter a element  between 0 and 19")
if(aa<19 and aa>0):
    print(how_many([12, 15, 16, 4, 10, 3, 5, 7, 9, 15],aa))
    print("Please enter in between given range nexttime")

Output screens with code-


Note-You can remove multiline comments from line 13 to 21 if you want to test with your desired values and pass the values to the function

Code with comments-

#function find_bigger
def find_bigger(a_list,a_num):
    #creating a empty list 
    #iterating through the list 
    for m in a_list:
        #if element in list is greater than number append to new list
    #return the list
    return nlist

"""print("Please enter How many elements do you want to enter")
for i in range(c):
print("Please enter Which element do you want to check")
#calling our function find_bigger
print(find_bigger( [12, 15, 16, 4, 10, 3, 5, 7, 9, 15], 11 ))

#asking user to enter a element 
print("Please enter a element  between 0 and 19")
#checking if they are in range 
if(aa<19 and aa>0):
    #passing our function find_bigger and finding the length of the result list 
    z=find_bigger([12, 15, 16, 4, 10, 3, 5, 7, 9, 15],aa)
    #printing length of the result list 
#program exits if user does not enter number in correct range 
    print("Please enter in between given range nexttime")

Output screens with code-

(Hope you like the work if you have any doubt Please comment,I will definately help you).

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