
In: Electrical Engineering

<<Importing Data>> Make sure you have downloaded all the data files off Blackboard. There should be...

<<Importing Data>>

Make sure you have downloaded all the data files off Blackboard. There should be folders containing images and audio files as well as a selection of CSV and Excel spreadsheets.

The following exercises will allow you to practice using MATLAB’s import/export functions.

Task 4 – Importing Excel Spreadsheets


Import the spreadsheet ‘buildings.xls’ which contains all the buildings in the world over 300 metres tall. Plot the number of floors vs. building height using a scatter plot.


- Look at how Excel data is imported into MATLAB. How is the text stored? How are the numbers stored?

- Repeat task 1 for these buildings and plot a graph showing the different velocities at impact the coin would have if dropped from these buildings instead.

Task 5 – Importing Comma Separated Values (CSV) files


In your MATLAB script file import the comma separated values in ‘scope1.csv’. This data has time data in column 1 and voltage data in column 2.

- Split the data into separate time and voltage arrays and plot voltage with respect to time.


- Contrast the CSV and Excel spreadsheet import processes and describe how the two differ.

Task 6 – Importing Audio files


In your script file, import the .wav file called ‘gameover.wav’: - Use the soundsc() function to listen to this audio.


- Try soundsc(x,30000) what happens to the playback of the audio?

- Try soundsc(x, 60000) what happens this time? Think about why this might be happening and the importance of correctly formatting data you are exporting from MATLAB.

- Try some of the other sound files in the audio folder.

- Refer to your tutorial notes from week 3 for more details.

Task 7 – Importing Images


Use the MATLAB script file to import the image ‘barbara.png’:

- Display this greyscale image using imshow().

- Now import and display the image ‘lena.tiff’, this image is a coloured image.


- Contrast the black-and-white image to the coloured image. Compare how they are stored as MATLAB matrices.

- Refer to your tutorial notes from week 3 for more details.


Expert Solution

Image Read and Display:


I = imread('barbara.png'); % reading image
imshow(I) % dislpay image
I_1 = imread('lena.tiff');


The black and white images are saved as binary(0,1) matrix while the coloured image are stored with some distinct values defining the colour of that pixel.


Importing Audio file in matlab


[x,Fs] = audioread('gameover.wav'); % reading file from current directory
soundsc(x,30000); %listening at 30Khz
soundsc(x,60000); %listening at 60Khz


Reading .csv file


M = csvread('scope1.csv');
voltage = M(:,1);
time = M(:,2);


Importing excel file in matlab


num = xlsread('building.xls');
floors = num(:,1);
building_heights = num(:,2);


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