
In: Computer Science

Please, I need resturant like authentic food, anything suitable with this is fine. Your data models...

Please, I need resturant like authentic food, anything suitable with this is fine.

Your data models must consist of entity lists and entity-relationship diagrams for:

1. Food items (meals/dishes) the restaurants serve o 3 to 5 food types

2. Facilities and equipment

3. Employee work hours and salaries

4. Tracking day-to-day cash flow o Income and spending

5. Competitive o Renovation cost and extra earned income o Promotion cost and extra earned income.

Data modelling

1. Create a list of entities and their attributes from your business statement o You will lose points if you do not create the list of entities and their attributes

2. Create (draw) the entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs and EERDs) for your database using: a. lists of entities from (a) and b. business rules from your business statement


Expert Solution


Customer: Id, Name, ContactNo

Orders: Order_No, Date, Time

Food_Items: Id, Name, Price, Qty

Food_Type: Id, Name

Payment: Payment_Id, Price

Cashier: Salary

Waiter: Salary

Cook: Salary

Employee: Id, Name, Income, Spending, Hours, Extra_Income

Equipments: Id, Name

Restaurant: Id. Name,Promotion_Cost, Renovation_Cost

Facilities: Id, Type

Requirement Analysis(Business Statement) - A customer can give multiple orders. Orders can have multiple food items and a food item can be present in multiple orders. A food type will have many food items but a food item will belong to a single food type. Orders will have payment.( 1 to 1 relationship). Every waiter serves more than one orders but every order is served by only one waiter. Every cook prepares more than one food items but every food item is prepared by only one cook. Payment is processed by a single cashier and a cashier processes multiple payments. Waiter, cook and cashier are employees. Employees provide facilities. Employees use equipments. Many Employees are Employed By Restaurant.

Relationship(Business Rules):

Customer gives Orders :- 1 to many relationship.

Orders have Food_Items :- many to many relationship.

Food_Items belong_to Food_Type :- many to 1 relationship.

Orders have Payment :- 1 to 1 relationship.

Payment is Processed By :- N to 1 relationship.

Food_Items is Prepared By :- N to 1 relationship.

Waiter Serves Orders: N to 1 relationship.

Employee uses Equipment: 1 to N relationship.

Retaurant provides Facility: 1 to N relationship.

Employee is Employed By Restaurant :- N to 1 relationship.

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