
In: Electrical Engineering

Write an instruction sequence to configure the A/D converter of the PIC18F452 to operate with the...

Write an instruction sequence to configure the A/D converter of the PIC18F452 to operate with the following parameters:

Conversion result right justified

fosc=32 MHz

Highest ambient temperature may reach 600oC

Use VDD and VSS as the high and low reference voltages

Convert channel AN0

Enable A/D Module


Expert Solution

#include <p18f4620.h>

#include <UF_LCD.h>

#pragma config OSC = INTIO67                                       

#pragma config WDT = OFF                                             

#pragma config LVP = OFF                                             

void main(void){

int    adc_result;                                            

OSCCON = 0xF6;                                             

ADCON1 = 0x0F;                                            


ADCON0 = 0x11;                                            

ADCON2 = 0x88;                                           



while (42){

ADCON1 = 0x0A;

ADCON0 |= 0x02;

while (ADCON0bits.GO == 1);

adc_result = ADRES;

ADCON1 = 0x0F;

lcd_byte((adc_result >> 8) & 0x03);

lcd_byte(adc_result & 0xFF);




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