In: Psychology
A. Mathematics was a subject of fear to me. I would always avoid Mathematics. My mathematics teacher greatly motivated by making it simple and funny. He showed me the application of mathematics. I realized how one can make career with the help of Mathematics. The relationship between my motivation and my career was clear to me.
The satisfaction theories implies the achievement of satisfaction through activities. The job is related to the satisfaction. The objective theories relates how the work is directed to the fulfilment of objective and there is an intimate relationship between objective and satisfaction. The fulfilment of objective is directly related to the satisfaction.
Objective theory is related to the satisfaction. Objective is the main matter in life. Objective is set first and if there is no objective one can never reach to the goal. Objective is the fulfilment of ambition. So, one should fix the objective first and then one must lead to the goal. Through proper objective satisfaction comes.
B. Man is always guided by the self interest. He always thinks of his own benefit. Sometimes he does it directly and sometimes he tries to fulfil by indirect ways. His self interest is centered to the fulfilment of desire.
The desire satisfaction theorists say that people have freedom of choice. The choice depends on his wisdom. So, the reasons lead one to the fulfilment of the desire and such fulfilment brings satisfaction. One desires to have a car. He sets his object to be a successful businessman. When his object is fulfilled he becomes the owner of a high class car and there he finds the satisfaction.
Both the desire satisfaction theorists and objective theorists are interrelated. They are related to each other. The objective theorists show how objective is set and how self interest guides one to the fulfilment of objective. On the other hand the desire satisfaction theorists says how self interest and desire are interrelated and how the desire leads to the satisfaction.