Design a Mealy state diagram for a sequence detector that has a
single input and a single output. The output is to be “1” unless
the input has been “0” for four consecutive clock pulses or “1” for
three consecutive pulses. Implement your design using D flip-flops
and any logic gates. Assume non-overlapping input sequences are to
be detected.
Design a state machine to recognize if a binary string contains
any occurrence of the sequence “10101”. Is it
possible to design this state machine with less states? By using
Finite State machine designer.
Instruction: Use Microsoft Visio to draw a use case
diagram and a sequence diagram for the
following business requirements.
Online Recruiting System (website)
1) The Online Interview System: The search committee usually
selects 3 to 5 candidates for a Skype interview. When the search
committee starts a Skype interview, they connect their web browsers
to an interview module developed by the company’s IT team (we call
this type of software as home-developed software). The interview
module then connects to Skype....
C) Explain MVC architectural pattern and its
components. Draw a diagram that describes the pattern. Describe the
behavior of MVC by using online shopping
application that has the following responsibilities:
browse catalog, add item to shopping cart, remove item from
shopping cart, display shopping cart. State the two advantages and
two disadvantages of using this pattern.
First derive the truth table for the requested modulus sequence,
draw the circuit, then implement it using only the
built-in AND, OR, and NOT gates.
Exercise 18 [3.0]
Consider a boolean function with inputs: d, e, f, g. The value
of the inputs can be defined as V = 8*d + 4*e + 2*f + 1*g. The
output of this function is true if V mod 3 is 1.
Design an ER Diagram for the given problem. Link the tables that
are related and implement your design using MySQL. Insert at least
a minimum of 5 records. Ensure that the data to be added are
related to other tables.
Post here the screenshot of the following:
Entity Relationship Diagram with attributes, PK, and FK.
Use the "describe" command to view the structure of the
Use the "select" command to view the contents of the
Company ABC has...
Design a 5-bit binary counter using JK flip flops.
Draw the flip-flop circuit diagram, the state graph, the timing
diagram, the truth table (with clk pulse) and the state table (with
present and next states).
Implement a Composite Design Pattern for the
code below that creates a family tree
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
/* Let's create a family tree (for instance like one used on
genealogy sites).
For the sake of simplicity, assume an individual can have at most
two children.
If an individual has 1-2 children, they are considered a "tree". If
an individual
does not have children, they are considered a "person".
With that in mind,...