In: Civil Engineering
Provide cost analysis and decide on the cheapest design concept of a bridge.
Cheapest bridge construction:-The bridges are made on the basis of demand that for what purpose the bridge is going to be construct, so talking in term of low budget bridge it is hard to reply without knowing the cause and purpose for that the bridge construction work has to be planned. But if according to question from my knowledge the cheapest bridge construction is the truss type bridge construction and also the Bridges made up of timber, these bridges are low cost or cheapest type of bridge . The timber bridges are used from the ancient period and it is cheapest type of bridge vwhich required better workmenship and skilled labour. But generally there maintenance cost is very high for both the type of bridges and timber bridges are not in use now a days because of more and more deforestation the government has set some guidelines on the use of timber and cutting of tress hence the other cheapest method is bridge construction in the form of trusses, which take also very high maintenance cost.
If we want proper cost analysis then we have to note down the required bridge construction materials and also find out their current price in the market according to the government guidelines . So by getting these information we can easily do cost analysis of the bridge construction and decide which is cheaper or which take more cost in construction.
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