In: Electrical Engineering
Coding for the designing of 7 segment display in pic18f458 is provided by me, which will give your the required results easily. -
Data lines for all SSD's are common. and they are connected to
To select particular SSD of that Bank we have used another
latch(latch 6) connected to PORTE = E0 bit
if I want to select SSD no. 2 and SSD no 10 then steps needed
are as follows
PORTA - A1 =1 //Enable bank 1
PORTD - D6 = 0 //Select SSD 2 by making D6 bit low.
PORTE - E0 = 1 //Enable PORTE to load value of PORTD(in this case
D6) and select that SSD.
PORTD= 0xFF // Send character FF to SSD 2
PORTA - A2=1 //Enable bank 2
PORTD - D5 = 0 // Select SSD 10 by making D5 pin low
PORTE - E0 = 1 //Enable PORTE to load value of PORTD(in this case
D5) and select that SSD.
PORTD - D = 0xFE // Send Character FE to SSD 10.
code for the same :-
#include <p18f4550.h>
#pragma config
= HS // 20MHz
Crystal, (HS oscillator)
#pragma config PBADEN
= OFF // PORTB<4:0> pins are configured
as digital I/O on Reset)
#pragma config
= OFF // watch dog timer off
#pragma config
= OFF // Low voltage program off
void main()
ADCON1 = 0xFF;
// Configure all ports
with analog function as digital
CMCON = 7;
TRISD=0; //make
PORTD all out put
TRISB=0xf0; //make PORTB pins 0:4 o/p
and others input( we need only 0:4 pins)
PORTA=0x02; //Enable bank_1
PORTD=0xBF; //Select SSD 2 by making
D6 bit low.
PORTE=0x01; //Enable PORTE to load
value of PORTD(in this case D6) and select that SSD.
//Disable PORT E so that character data won't go in SSD Select
latch, i.e=PORTE - E0 bit.
PORTD= 0xFF // Send character FF to
PORTA=0x04; //Enable bank_2
PORTD=0xDF; //
Select SSD 10 by making D5 pin low
PORTE=0x01; //Enable PORTE to load
value of PORTD(in this case D5) and select that SSD.
//Disable PORT E so that character data won't go in SSD Select
latch, i.e=PORTE - E0 bit.
PORTD=0xFE; // Send Character FE to
SSD 10.