brief summary about:
Newton’s laws
Friction and circular movement
Work-energy(kinetic and potential)-power-and conservation of
Fluid( pascal’s law,buyoant force,Archimedes principle, fluid
flow and viscosity and bernoulli’s equation)
The law of the conservation of energy states that energy can
neither be created or destroyed within a closed system, but we also
know that any transfer of energy is not 100% efficient and some
energy “escapes”. Write briefly about the transfer of energy within
our cells …. how do we obtain, store, and use energy? Be sure to
give specific examples of the way we convert chemical energy to
mechanical and transport/potential energy within the cell. Also
address how...
Describe Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy. Describe the Law on
Conservation of Mechanical Energy. If an object that is thrown
perpendicular to the ground by neglecting the friction is required
to go up to 125 m height, what should be the initial velocity of
the object? Take the acceleration of gravity 10 m / s and assume
that the mass of the object does not change.
- In your own words, explain potential energy, kinetic energy,
conservation of energy and examples in daily life.
- In your own words, explain the definition of work in
- In your own words, explain Hooke's Law and elastic potential
Power Factor Code Arduino
Develop a Power factor Program in C and upload it into
your Arduino
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);