
In: Computer Science

How many character comparisons will the BMH algorithm perform to solve the pattern search problem shown...

How many character comparisons will the BMH algorithm perform to solve the pattern search problem shown below?

text:    my next door neighbor is a witch
pattern: is

explain c language


Expert Solution

Boyer Moore Horspool :- Boyer Moore Horspool Algorithm is a pattren searching algorithm, basically BMH is uses two approaches to find substrings in a string.

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1)Bad Character Heuristic

2)Good Suffix Heuristic

text:    my next door neighbor is a witch
pattern: is

I am going to solve this problem using Bad Character Heuristic.

In simple bad character means current character of pattern is not matched with character of string .


on wrong match, we shift the pattern until –
1) The wrong match becomes a match
2) Pattern N move past the wrong matched character.

Program in C:-

# include <string.h>
# include <limits.h>

# define CHAR 140

int max (int first, int second) {
return (first > second)? first: second;

void BMH(char *str, int n,int mismatch[CHAR])
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < CHAR; i++)
mismatch[i] = -1;
   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
       mismatch[(int) str[i]] = i;
void search( char *text, char *pattern)
   int c = strlen(pattern);
   int d = strlen(text);
int mismatch[CHAR];
   BMH(pattern, c, mismatch);
   int a = 0;
   while(a <= (d - c))
       int j = c-1;
       while(j >= 0 && pattern[j] == text[a+j])
       if (j < 0)
           printf("Character compared:=%d",a);
a += (a+c < d)? c-mismatch[text[a+c]] : 1;

           a += max(1, j - mismatch[text[a+j]]);
int main(){
   char text[ ] = "my next door neighbor is a witch";
   char pattern[ ] = "is";
   search(text, pattern);
   return 0;


Character compared:22

Total 22 characters are compared to match pattern

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