
In: Computer Science

Using Java implement a searching algorithm to solve the following problem (please specify the searching algorithm...

Using Java implement a searching algorithm to solve the following problem (please specify the searching algorithm being used)

N-Queen problem with genetic algorithm

Please use the N-Queen problem (at least N=8 or more) or any simple perfect games. Please provide a screenshot of output and please heavily comment the code. Thanks!


Expert Solution

Answer :

* Solves the N-Queens puzzle using Genetic Algorithm.
* Code is based on partially mapped crossover genetic algortihm for n queens

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Collections;

public class GeneticAlgorithm {
private int MAX_LENGTH; // chess board width. or n in n queens
private int START_SIZE; // Population size at start.
private int MAX_EPOCHS; // Arbitrary number of test cycles.
private double MATING_PROBABILITY; // Probability of two chromosomes mating. Range: 0.0 < MATING_PROBABILITY < 1.0
private double MUTATION_RATE; // Mutation Rate. Range: 0.0 < MUTATION_RATE < 1.0
private int MIN_SELECT; // Minimum parents allowed for selection.
private int MAX_SELECT; // Maximum parents allowed for selection. Range: MIN_SELECT < MAX_SELECT < START_SIZE
private int OFFSPRING_PER_GENERATION; // New offspring created per generation. Range: 0 < OFFSPRING_PER_GENERATION < MAX_SELECT.
private int MINIMUM_SHUFFLES; // For randomizing starting chromosomes

private int nextMutation; // For scheduling mutations.
private ArrayList<Chromosome> population;
private ArrayList<Chromosome> solutions;
private Random rand;
private int childCount;
private int mutations;
private int epoch;
private int populationSize;

/* Instantiates the genetic algorithm along with its parameters.
* @param: size of n queens
public GeneticAlgorithm(int n) {
MAX_EPOCHS = 1000;
epoch = 0;
populationSize = 0;

/* Starts the genetic algorithm solving for n queens.
public boolean algorithm() {
population = new ArrayList<Chromosome>();
solutions = new ArrayList<Chromosome>();
rand = new Random();
nextMutation = 0;
childCount = 0;
mutations = 0;
epoch = 0;
populationSize = 0;

boolean done = false;
Chromosome thisChromo = null;
nextMutation = getRandomNumber(0, (int)Math.round(1.0 / MUTATION_RATE));


while(!done) {
populationSize = population.size();

for(int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) {
thisChromo = population.get(i);
if((thisChromo.getConflicts() == 0)) { //if solution found
done = true;

if(epoch == MAX_EPOCHS) { //if Max Number of Cycles
done = true;





System.out.println("Epoch: " + epoch);

if(epoch >= MAX_EPOCHS) {
System.out.println("No solution found");
done = false;
} else {
populationSize = population.size(); //prints the solutions if found within mnc
for(int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) {
thisChromo = population.get(i);
if(thisChromo.getConflicts() == 0) {

System.out.println("Completed " + epoch + " epochs.");
System.out.println("Encountered " + mutations + " mutations in " + childCount + " offspring.");
return done;

/* Starts the mating process with the selected chromosomes.
public void mating() {
int getRand = 0;
int parentA = 0;
int parentB = 0;
int newIndex1 = 0;
int newIndex2 = 0;
Chromosome newChromo1 = null;
Chromosome newChromo2 = null;

for(int i = 0; i < OFFSPRING_PER_GENERATION; i++) {
parentA = chooseParent();
// Test probability of mating.
getRand = getRandomNumber(0, 100);
if(getRand <= MATING_PROBABILITY * 100) {
parentB = chooseParent(parentA);
newChromo1 = new Chromosome(MAX_LENGTH);
newChromo2 = new Chromosome(MAX_LENGTH);
newIndex1 = population.indexOf(newChromo1);
newIndex2 = population.indexOf(newChromo2);
// partiallyMappedCrossover
partiallyMappedCrossover(parentA, parentB, newIndex1, newIndex2);

if(childCount - 1 == nextMutation) {
exchangeMutation(newIndex1, 1);
} else if (childCount == nextMutation) {
exchangeMutation(newIndex2, 1);


childCount += 2;

// Schedule next mutation.
if(childCount % (int)Math.round(1.0 / MUTATION_RATE) == 0) {
nextMutation = childCount + getRandomNumber(0, (int)Math.round(1.0 / MUTATION_RATE));
//System.out.println("HYE "+nextMutation);
} // i

/* Crossovers two chromosome parents. Uses partiallyMappedCrossover technique.
* @param: parent A
* @param: parent B
* @param: child A
* @param: child B
public void partiallyMappedCrossover(int chromA, int chromB, int child1, int child2) {
int j = 0;
int item1 = 0;
int item2 = 0;
int pos1 = 0;
int pos2 = 0;
Chromosome thisChromo = population.get(chromA);
Chromosome thatChromo = population.get(chromB);
Chromosome newChromo1 = population.get(child1);
Chromosome newChromo2 = population.get(child2);
int crossPoint1 = getRandomNumber(0, MAX_LENGTH - 1);
int crossPoint2 = getExclusiveRandomNumber(MAX_LENGTH - 1, crossPoint1);
//gets the crosspoint from where to swap
if(crossPoint2 < crossPoint1) {
j = crossPoint1;
crossPoint1 = crossPoint2;
crossPoint2 = j;

// Copy Parent genes to offspring.
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_LENGTH; i++) {
newChromo1.setGene(i, thisChromo.getGene(i));
newChromo2.setGene(i, thatChromo.getGene(i));

for(int i = crossPoint1; i <= crossPoint2; i++) {
// Get the two items to swap.
item1 = thisChromo.getGene(i);
item2 = thatChromo.getGene(i);

// Get the items// positions in the offspring.
for(j = 0; j < MAX_LENGTH; j++) {
if(newChromo1.getGene(j) == item1) {
pos1 = j;
} else if (newChromo1.getGene(j) == item2) {
pos2 = j;
} // j

// Swap them.
if(item1 != item2) {
newChromo1.setGene(pos1, item2);
newChromo1.setGene(pos2, item1);

// Get the items// positions in the offspring.
for(j = 0; j < MAX_LENGTH; j++) {
if(newChromo2.getGene(j) == item2) {
pos1 = j;
} else if(newChromo2.getGene(j) == item1) {
pos2 = j;
} // j

// Swap them.
if(item1 != item2) {
newChromo2.setGene(pos1, item1);
newChromo2.setGene(pos2, item2);

} // i

/* Chooses a randomly selected parent.
* @return: random index of parent
public int chooseParent() {
// Overloaded function, see also "chooseparent(ByVal parentA As Integer)".
int parent = 0;
Chromosome thisChromo = null;
boolean done = false;

while(!done) {
// Randomly choose an eligible parent.
parent = getRandomNumber(0, population.size() - 1);
thisChromo = population.get(parent);
if(thisChromo.isSelected() == true) {
done = true;

return parent;   
/* Chooses a randomly selected parent which is not the parameter.
* @param: selected parent index
* @return: random index of parent
public int chooseParent(int parentA) {
// Overloaded function, see also "chooseparent()".
int parent = 0;
Chromosome thisChromo = null;
boolean done = false;

while(!done) {
// Randomly choose an eligible parent.
parent = getRandomNumber(0, population.size() - 1);
if(parent != parentA){
thisChromo = population.get(parent);
if(thisChromo.isSelected() == true){
done = true;

return parent;   

/* Chooses selected parents based on roulette selection.
public void rouletteSelection() {
int j = 0;
int populationSize = population.size();
int maximumToSelect = getRandomNumber(MIN_SELECT, MAX_SELECT);
double genTotal = 0.0;
double selTotal = 0.0;
double rouletteSpin = 0.0;
Chromosome thisChromo = null;
Chromosome thatChromo = null;
boolean done = false;
for(int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) { //get total fitness
thisChromo = population.get(i);
genTotal += thisChromo.getFitness();
genTotal *= 0.01;

for(int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) {
thisChromo = population.get(i);
thisChromo.setSelectionProbability(thisChromo.getFitness() / genTotal); //set selection probability. the more fit the better selection probability
for(int i = 0; i < maximumToSelect; i++) { //selects parents
rouletteSpin = getRandomNumber(0, 99);
j = 0;
selTotal = 0;
done = false;
while(!done) {
thisChromo = population.get(j);
selTotal += thisChromo.getSelectionProbability();
if(selTotal >= rouletteSpin) {
if(j == 0) {
thatChromo = population.get(j);
} else if(j >= populationSize - 1) {
thatChromo = population.get(populationSize - 1);
} else {
thatChromo = population.get(j-1);
done = true;
} else {

/* Sets the fitness of each chromosome based on its conflicts
public void getFitness() {
// Lowest errors = 100%, Highest errors = 0%
int populationSize = population.size();
Chromosome thisChromo = null;
double bestScore = 0;
double worstScore = 0;

// The worst score would be the one with the highest energy, best would be lowest.
worstScore = Collections.max(population).getConflicts();

// Convert to a weighted percentage.
bestScore = worstScore - Collections.min(population).getConflicts();

for(int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) {
thisChromo = population.get(i);
thisChromo.setFitness((worstScore - thisChromo.getConflicts()) * 100.0 / bestScore);

/* Resets all flags in the selection
public void prepNextEpoch() {
int populationSize = 0;
Chromosome thisChromo = null;

// Reset flags for selected individuals.
populationSize = population.size();
for(int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) {
thisChromo = population.get(i);

/* Prints the nxn board with the queens
* @param: a chromosome
public void printSolution(Chromosome solution) {
String board[][] = new String[MAX_LENGTH][MAX_LENGTH];

// Clear the board.
for(int x = 0; x < MAX_LENGTH; x++) {
for(int y = 0; y < MAX_LENGTH; y++) {
board[x][y] = "";

for(int x = 0; x < MAX_LENGTH; x++) {
board[x][solution.getGene(x)] = "Q";

// Display the board.
for(int y = 0; y < MAX_LENGTH; y++) {
for(int x = 0; x < MAX_LENGTH; x++) {
if(board[x][y] == "Q") {
System.out.print("Q ");
} else {
System.out.print(". ");

/* Initializes all of the chromosomes' placement of queens in ramdom positions.
public void initialize() {
int shuffles = 0;
Chromosome newChromo = null;
int chromoIndex = 0;

for(int i = 0; i < START_SIZE; i++) {
newChromo = new Chromosome(MAX_LENGTH);
chromoIndex = population.indexOf(newChromo);

// Randomly choose the number of shuffles to perform.
exchangeMutation(chromoIndex, shuffles);

/* Changes the position of the queens in a chromosome randomly according to the number of exchanges
* @param: index of the chromosome
* @param: number of exhanges
public void exchangeMutation(int index, int exchanges) {
int tempData = 0;
int gene1 = 0;
int gene2 = 0;
Chromosome thisChromo = null;
thisChromo = population.get(index);

for(int i = 0; i < exchanges; i++) {
gene1 = getRandomNumber(0, MAX_LENGTH - 1);
gene2 = getExclusiveRandomNumber(MAX_LENGTH - 1, gene1);

// Exchange the chosen genes.
tempData = thisChromo.getGene(gene1);
thisChromo.setGene(gene1, thisChromo.getGene(gene2));
thisChromo.setGene(gene2, tempData);

/* Gets a random number with the exception of the parameter
* @param: the maximum random number
* @param: number to to be chosen
* @return: random number
public int getExclusiveRandomNumber(int high, int except) {
boolean done = false;
int getRand = 0;

while(!done) {
getRand = rand.nextInt(high);
if(getRand != except){
done = true;
return getRand;  

/* Gets a random number in the range of the parameters
* @param: the minimum random number
* @param: the maximum random number
* @return: random number
public int getRandomNumber(int low, int high) {
return (int)Math.round((high - low) * rand.nextDouble() + low);
/* gets the solutions
* @return: solutions
public ArrayList<Chromosome> getSolutions() {
return solutions;
/* gets the epoch
* @return: epoch
public int getEpoch() {
return epoch;
/* gets the population size
* @return: pop size
public int getPopSize() {
return population.size();
/* gets the start size
* @return: start size
public int getStartSize() {
return START_SIZE;
/* gets the mating prob
* @return: mating prob
public double getMatingProb() {
/* gets the mutation rate
* @return: mutation rate
public double getMutationRate() {
/* gets the start size
* @return: start size
public int getMinSelect() {
return MIN_SELECT;
/* gets the mating prob
* @return: mating prob
public double getMaxSelect() {
return MAX_SELECT;
/* gets the mutation rate
* @return: mutation rate
public double getOffspring() {
/* gets the max epoch
* @return: max epoch
public int getMaxEpoch() {
return MAX_EPOCHS;

/* gets the min shuffle
* @return: min shuffle
public int getShuffleMin() {

/* gets the max shuffle
* @return: max shuffle
public int getShuffleMax() {

/* sets the mutation rate
* @param: new mutation rate value
public void setMutation(double newMutation) {
this.MUTATION_RATE = newMutation;

/* sets the new max epoch
* @param: new max epoch value
public void setEpoch(int newMaxEpoch) {
this.MAX_EPOCHS = newMaxEpoch;

I hope this answer is helpful to you ...................Please Give Me Positive Rating It Will Help Me A Lot.........Thank You......

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