
In: Statistics and Probability

Eli Orchidhas designed a new pharmaceutical product, Orchid Relief, which improves the night sleep. Before initiating...

Eli Orchidhas designed a new pharmaceutical product, Orchid Relief, which improves the night sleep. Before initiating mass production of the product, Eli Orchid has been market-testing Orchid Relief in Orange County over the past 8 weeks. The daily demand values are recorded in the Excel file provided. Eli Orchid plans on using the sales data to predict sales for the upcoming week. An accurate forecast would be helpful in making arrangements for the company’s production processes and designing promotions.

Before a forecasting model is built and a forecast for the next week is generated, the COO of the company has asked the data analyst for an exploratory analysis of the demand.

Specifically, the COO has asked the analyst[1]:

To provide a bar/column chart (with data labels rounded to two decimal points) showing the average demand for each day of the week (Sun., Mon., etc.)

[add chart here]

To fit a simple linear regression model to the data and to provide its equation (d = a*t + b), along with R2

d =


To fit a multiple regression model with a dummy variable representing the weekend, and to provide the regression equation (d = a*t + b*w + c), along with Adjusted R2.

d =

Adjusted R2=

To provide a line graph of the actual demand with a simple regression and multiple a regression overlay.

[add chart here]

To write a short paragraph explaining the observations and providing general recommendations.


  • Provide interpretation of all the numbers (e.g. R^2, coefficients, etc.)
  • Evaluate both models. Can they be used for prediction (use the pvalues from the regression output)? Explain.
  • Compare the models and explain which one should be used. Why?
  • Provide general recommendations for the next sevenday demand forecast.

Make sure you use proper terminology. Points will be taken for not using the appropriate terms to describe your observations.

Note: this paragraph can be on page 2. The answers to previous questions must all fit on the first page.

[write your paragraph here]

[1]Round numbers to four decimal points (e.g. 0.1234), unless explicitly requested otherwise.

Day Date Weekday Daily Demand Weekend
1 4/25/16 Mon 297 0
2 4/26/16 Tue 293 0
3 4/27/16 Wed 327 0
4 4/28/16 Thu 315 0
5 4/29/16 Fri 348 0
6 4/30/16 Sat 447 1
7 5/1/16 Sun 431 1
8 5/2/16 Mon 283 0
9 5/3/16 Tue 326 0
10 5/4/16 Wed 317 0
11 5/5/16 Thu 345 0
12 5/6/16 Fri 355 0
13 5/7/16 Sat 428 1
14 5/8/16 Sun 454 1
15 5/9/16 Mon 305 0
16 5/10/16 Tue 310 0
17 5/11/16 Wed 350 0
18 5/12/16 Thu 308 0
19 5/13/16 Fri 366 0
20 5/14/16 Sat 460 1
21 5/15/16 Sun 427 1
22 5/16/16 Mon 291 0
23 5/17/16 Tue 325 0
24 5/18/16 Wed 354 0
25 5/19/16 Thu 322 0
26 5/20/16 Fri 405 0
27 5/21/16 Sat 442 1
28 5/22/16 Sun 454 1
29 5/23/16 Mon 318 0
30 5/24/16 Tue 298 0
31 5/25/16 Wed 355 0
32 5/26/16 Thu 355 0
33 5/27/16 Fri 374 0
34 5/28/16 Sat 447 1
35 5/29/16 Sun 463 1
36 5/30/16 Mon 291 0
37 5/31/16 Tue 319 0
38 6/1/16 Wed 333 0
39 6/2/16 Thu 339 0
40 6/3/16 Fri 416 0
41 6/4/16 Sat 475 1
42 6/5/16 Sun 459 1
43 6/6/16 Mon 319 0
44 6/7/16 Tue 326 0
45 6/8/16 Wed 356 0
46 6/9/16 Thu 340 0
47 6/10/16 Fri 395 0
48 6/11/16 Sat 465 1
49 6/12/16 Sun 453 1
50 6/13/16 Mon 307 0
51 6/14/16 Tue 324 0
52 6/15/16 Wed 350 0
53 6/16/16 Thu 348 0
54 6/17/16 Fri 384 0
55 6/18/16 Sat 474 1
56 6/19/16 Sun 485 1


Expert Solution

Sol 1:


Sol 2:

Required Equation: d = 1.0356 t + 339.29 ( a = 1.0356, b = 339.29)
R² = 0.0761

Sol 3:

d = a*t + b*w + c

Required Equation: d = 0.679326655 t + 116.3916428 w + 316.5492309

( a = 0.679326655, b = 116.3916428, c = 316.5492309 )

Adjusted R2 = 0.815695457

Sol 4:

Sol 5:

As we can see from the above graph, Linear regression model is a trend line which does not take into account the seasonality factor. On the other hand, multiple regression model prediction is much better as compared to linear regression as it can predict more accurately and includes the seasonality factor as well.   

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