
In: Computer Science

We will make some changes to our first program. If you recall we began with, A...

We will make some changes to our first program. If you recall we began with, A car's gas mileage or miles-per-gallon (MPG) can be calculated with the following Formula: MPG = Miles Driven / Gallons of gas used. Write a class called Mileage. The Mileage class should have two private member variables called miles and gallons of type double. The class should have four public methods: setMiles and setGallons should use void return types; getMiles and getGallons should use double return types. It should have one more method called getMPG that performs the math calculation and returns the double MPG Write a program called MPGMain that asks the user for the number of miles driven and the gallons of gas used. It should call the Mileage class to calculate the car's MPG. The class should return the MPG to the MPGMain where it was called and display the value on the screen. (Format the display and limit the miles-per-gallon to 2 decimal places) in JAVA programming language


Expert Solution

Dear Student ,

As per the requirement submitted above , kindly find the below solution. :

//java class
public class Mileage {
   //member variables
   private double miles;
   private double gallons;
   //public methods
   //setter methods
   public void setMiles(double m)
       this.miles=m;//set miles
   public void setGallons(double g)
       this.gallons=g;//set gallons
   //getter methods
   public double getMiles()
       return this.miles;//return miles
   public double getGallons()
       return this.gallons;//return gallons
   //method to calculate MPG
   public double getMPG()
       return getMiles()/getGallons();//return MPG

******************************* :

import java.util.*;//import package
//Java class
public class MPGMain {
//entry point , main method
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       //create object of scanner class
       Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
       //creating object of Mileage class
       Mileage mileage=new Mileage();
       //asking number of miles drive
       System.out.print("Enter number of miles drive : ");
       mileage.setMiles(sc.nextDouble());//read and set mileage
       //asking number gallons of gas used
       System.out.print("Enter number of gallons of gas used : ");
       mileage.setGallons(sc.nextDouble());//read and set gallons
       //call method getMPG() and display MPG
       System.out.printf("miles-per-gallon (MPG) : %.2f",mileage.getMPG());


Output : Compile and Run to get the screen as shown below

Screen 1


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