
In: Computer Science

Implement a Priority Queue (PQ) using an UNSORTED LIST. Use an array size of 10 elements....

Implement a Priority Queue (PQ) using an UNSORTED LIST. Use an array size of 10 elements. Use a circular array: Next index after last index is 0. Add the new node to next available index in the array. When you add an element, add 1 to index (hit max index, go to index 0). Test if array in full before you add. When you remove an element, from the list, move the following elements to the left to fill in the blank, etc ( Like prior program done with LISTS )


Expert Solution

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Node {
      string name;
      int priority;

//Implement prioroty queue class
class PriorityQueue {
    Node array[10];
    int capacity;
    int front;
    int rear;
        PriorityQueue() {
            front = 0;
            rear = 0;
            capacity = 10;

//adding elements

        void enQueue(string name, int priority) {
            if (isFull()) {
                cout << "Error : Queue Full" <<endl;
            Node node;
   = name;
            node.priority = priority;
            array[rear] = node;
            rear = (rear+1)%capacity;

//popping elements
        void deQueue() {
            if (isEmpty()) {
                cout << "Queue is Empty" << endl;
            if (rear > front) {
                int highPriorityIndex = findMaxPriorityNode(front, rear-1);
                shiftElements(highPriorityIndex, rear-1);
            else {
                int indexOne = findMaxPriorityNode(front, capacity-1);
                int indexTwo = findMaxPriorityNode(0, rear-1);
                if (array[indexOne].priority >= array[indexTwo].priority) {
                    shiftElements(front, capacity-1);
                shiftElements(0, rear);
            rear = (rear-1)%capacity;
        bool isEmpty() {
            if (front == rear)
                return true;
            return false;  
        bool isFull() {
            if ((rear+1)%capacity == front)
                return true;
            return false;
//showing elements
        void displayElements() {
            if (isEmpty()) {
                cout << "Queue is Empty" << endl;
            cout << "The contents of th Queue are : ";
            if (rear > front) {
                printElems(front, rear-1);
            else {
                printElems(front, capacity-1);
                printElems(0, rear-1);
            cout << endl;
         * Private helper methods
        int findMaxPriorityNode(int start, int end) {
            int highPriority = -1;
            int highPriorityIndex = -1;
            for (int i=start; i<=end; i++) {
                Node node = array[i];
                if (node.priority > highPriority) {
                    highPriorityIndex = i;
                    highPriority = node.priority;
            return highPriorityIndex;
//shifting elements
        void shiftElements(int start, int end) {
            for (int i=start; i<end; i++) {
                array[i] = array[i+1];
// printing elements    
        void printElems(int start, int end) {
            for (int i=start; i<=end; i++) {
                cout << "["<<array[i].name <<"," << array[i].priority << "] ";

int main()
PriorityQueue p;
p.enQueue("Rog", 3);
p.enQueue("Sam", 1);

return 0;

Output screenshot:

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