
In: Computer Science

Implement a stack in C++ using an array, not an array list. Make your stack size...

Implement a stack in C++ using an array, not an array list.

Make your stack size 5 when you test it, but do not hardcode this! You should be able to change the size for testing purposes with the change of one variable.

DO NOT use Stack class defined in C++

Implement the following methods in your stack class.

  • stack() creates an empty stacks, stack s is new and empty.
  • push(item) adds a new item to the stack s, stacks is modified.
  • pop() removes and returns an item, stack s is modified.
  • isEmpty() returns a boolean and tests for an empty stacks, stack s is not modified.
  • isFull() returns a boolean and tests for an full stacks, stack s is not modified.
  • size() returns the int size of the stacks, stack s is not modified
  • print() prints the stacks from front to rear, stack s is not modified.
  • top() prints the front element, stack s is not modified.

Write your own Driver file to show that you have implemented all the methods of the stack. A psuedocode example is listed below to guide you. Use print statements as well to show the popped elements, to show the stack after some pushes, to print the size of the stack.

  • push(redShirt)
  • push(greenShirt)
  • push(yellowPants)
  • push(purpleSock)
  • push(pinkSocks)
  • printStack()
  • size()
  • push(blueShirt)
  • size()
  • pop()
  • pop()
  • size()
  • pop()
  • printStack()
  • top()
  • pop()
  • pop()
  • printStack()
  • size()
  • isEmpty()
  • printStack()


Expert Solution

Given below is the code and output. Please do rate the answer if it helped. Thank you.

#ifndef STACK_H
#define STACK_H
#define STACK_SIZE 5
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template <typename T>
class Stack
int count;
count = 0;

void push(T item){
data[count++] = item;
cout << "Stack is full. Can not push " << item << endl;

T pop(){
T dummy;
cout << "Stack empty. Can not pop!" << endl;
return dummy;
return data[--count];

bool isEmpty(){
return count == 0;

bool isFull(){
return count == STACK_SIZE;

int size(){
return count;

void top(){
cout << "Stack empty" << endl;
cout << "top = " << data[count-1] << endl;

void printStack(){
cout << "Stack empty" << endl;
cout << endl << "Stack contents" << endl;
cout << data[count-1] << "<-top" << endl;
for(int i = count-2; i >= 0; i--)
cout << data[i] << endl;
cout << endl;


#include <iostream>
#include "stack.h"
int main(){
Stack<string> shirts;
cout << "stack size = " << shirts.size() << endl;
cout << "stack size = " << shirts.size() << endl;
cout << "popping " << shirts.pop() << endl;
cout << "popping " << shirts.pop() << endl;
cout << "stack size = " << shirts.size() << endl;
cout << "popping " << shirts.pop() << endl;
cout << "popping " << shirts.pop() << endl;
cout << "popping " << shirts.pop() << endl;
cout << "stack size = " << shirts.size() << endl;
cout << "stack empty? " << shirts.isEmpty() << endl;

return 0;

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