In: Computer Science
5. Based on what you know about ISO/IEC 12207 from earlier chapters of the book, does the BSIMM expose some areas of the process framework to security vulnerability? If so, provide examples.
None iof itheistandard ican ibe idescribed iasihowitoiapproachito managing isoftware iassurance i.each iprovided iap-proaches ithat ilead ito ioverall iprocess iimprovement. iEach imodel irequired iaccurate imeasurements iof iimprovement within isome iarea iof ithe isoftware iprocess and software ssurance.iAll iimprovements iare based ion iimplementing ia iprocess ior iactivity iand ithen iusing idata to imeasure iits isuccess. iThe iBSIMM iuses idata iup ifront ito iguide organizations itoward iimproved software and isoftware iassurance iprograms. You imust icompare ithe difference iin iorder itoiidentify the igoals iand iobjectives iof iyour iown. In isearching ifor ian iinstance iof ivulnerability, iI ihave ionly ifound isecurity. iThe iBSIMM irequires ithat isecurity istandards, isecure icoding standards, iand icompliance irequirements ibe icreated iand iconveyed ithrough ithe iproper ichannels. iThe iBSIMM iincludes ian iactivity iwithin ithe isecurity ifeatures iand idesign ipractice ithat iemphasizes ithe ineed ito ireport ipositive ielements iidentified iduring iAA.This iapproach iworks ias ia imeans ifor ipromoting ibest ipractices within ithe idesign iprocess