
In: Computer Science

Describe a simple database of your choice or design, along with the table/s representing the data,...

  1. Describe a simple database of your choice or design, along with the table/s representing the data, and illustrate the Insertion Anomaly through the real data or records there. Your database should be different from those already covered in the lectures or practicals.


Expert Solution

Database:- Databse is collection of data that store and manage the data in the form of tables. This data can be accessed easily from the database when required. Data base such as MySql, Oracle used as back-end to the web application or web sites. the data in the database can be easily acceseed using commands or writing queries., Data in the database tables can be edit , delete,update and insert easily.

Here , we discuss about "Student_Registration_Database".

In Student_Registration_Database number of tables are used to store the data of students such as Personel details of student,Documents of students,Fees,Registration detailsand Bio-metrics details. So, to store the data of students tables are required where all different data will be added and managed in database.

Tables that we need to create are:

1.) Personal_Detail_table

2.) Documents_Table

3.) Fees_table

4.) Registration_Table

5.) BioMetrics_Table

Command to create Database:- Create databse Database_Name;

example: Create databse Student_Registration;

Commands used to create table:- Create table tablename(ColumnName datatype(),Columnname2 datatype2());

example: Create table Personal_Detail (Student name varchar(50), StudenID int);

Command used to insert data into table:- Insert into table_name(Column1,column2)values (value1,value2);

example: Insert into Personal_Detail (Student name,StudentID) values('John','1001');


Student Name
Fee Payment
Student Name
Registration Number
Fees Payed

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