In: Computer Science
Design and implement a relational database application of your choice using MS Workbench on
a) Declare two relations (tables) using the SQL DDL. To each relation name, add the last 4 digits
of your Student-ID. Each relation (table) should have at least 4 attributes. Insert data to both
relations (tables); (15%)
b) Based on your expected use of the database, choose some of the attributes of each relation as
your primary keys (indexes). To each Primary Key name, add the last 4 digits of your Student-
ID by using Alter command. Explain why you choose them as the primary keys; (10%)
c) Specify one Update, one Delete, one Select, one Join, and one View in SQL that are needed by
your database application
Replace 4SID with your StudentId
a) Creating two tables
`CourseId` INT NOT NULL,
`CourseName` VARCHAR(45) NULL,
`TotalMarks` INT NULL,
`Teacher` VARCHAR(45) NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`CourseId`));
CREATE TABLE `sql_0112191`.`student4sid` (
`StudentName` VARCHAR(45) NULL,
`Course1` INT NULL,
`Course2` INT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`StudentID`),
INDEX `CourseId_idx` (`Course1` ASC) VISIBLE,
FOREIGN KEY (`Course1`)
REFERENCES `sql_0112191`.`course4sid` (`CouseId`)
Inserting data
INSERT INTO `course4sid` (`CourseId`, `CourseName`,
`TotalMarks`, `Teacher`) VALUES ('1', 'Maths', '150',
INSERT INTO `course4sid` (`CourseId`, `CourseName`, `TotalMarks`,
`Teacher`) VALUES ('2', 'Physics', '100', 'Teacher2');
INSERT INTO `course4sid` (`CourseId`, `CourseName`, `TotalMarks`,
`Teacher`) VALUES ('3', 'Chemistry', '80', 'Teacher3');
INSERT INTO `course4sid` (`CourseId`, `CourseName`, `TotalMarks`,
`Teacher`) VALUES ('4', 'Computers', '100', 'Teacher4');
INSERT INTO `student4sid` (`StudentID`, `StudentName`,
`Course1`, `Course2`) VALUES ('101', 'John', '1', '2');
INSERT INTO `student4sid` (`StudentID`, `StudentName`, `Course1`,
`Course2`) VALUES ('102', 'Max', '1', '3');
INSERT INTO `student4sid` (`StudentID`, `StudentName`, `Course1`,
`Course2`) VALUES ('103', 'Kevin', '2', '3');
INSERT INTO `student4sid` (`StudentID`, `StudentName`, `Course1`,
`Course2`) VALUES ('104', 'Peter', '2', '4');
1 | Maths | 150 | Teacher1 |
2 | Physics | 100 | Teacher2 |
3 | Chemistry | 80 | Teacher3 |
4 | Computers | 100 | Teacher4 |
101 | John | 1 | 2 |
102 | Max | 1 | 3 |
103 | Kevin | 2 | 3 |
104 | Peter | 2 | 4 |
b) Adding 4 Digits of student id to the column
ALTER TABLE `course4sid` CHANGE COLUMN `CourseId` `CourseId4SID` INT NOT NULL ;
ALTER TABLE `student4sid` CHANGE COLUMN `StudentID` `StudentID4SID` INT NOT NULL ;
We chose the CourseId4SID and StudentID4SID as the Primary Key because they can uniquely identify each row of the table
CourseId4SID | int(11) | NO | PRI | ||
CourseName | varchar(45) | YES | |||
TotalMarks | int(11) | YES | |||
Teacher | varchar(45) | YES |
StudentID4SID | int(11) | NO | PRI | ||
StudentName | varchar(45) | YES | |||
Course1 | int(11) | YES | MUL | ||
Course2 | int(11) | YES |
c) SQL Statements
UPDATE `student4sid` SET `Course2` = '4' WHERE (`StudentID4SID` =
101 | John | 1 | 2 |
102 | Max | 1 | 4 |
103 | Kevin | 2 | 3 |
104 | Peter | 2 | 4 |
DELETE FROM `student4sid` WHERE (`StudentID4SID` = '104');
101 | John | 1 | 2 |
102 | Max | 1 | 4 |
103 | Kevin | 2 | 3 |
SELECT * FROM student4sid;
101 | John | 1 | 2 |
102 | Max | 1 | 4 |
103 | Kevin | 2 | 3 |
SELECT StudentID4SID,StudentName,CourseName FROM student4sid INNER JOIN course4sid WHERE Course1=CourseId4SID;
Dispaying the student with their Course1 Names
101 | John | Maths |
102 | Max | Maths |
103 | Kevin | Physics |
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW `new_view` AS SELECT StudentID4SID,StudentName,CourseName FROM student4sid INNER JOIN course4sid WHERE Course1=CourseId4SID;;
101 | John | Maths |
102 | Max | Maths |
103 | Kevin | Physics |