In: Anatomy and Physiology
What can the sperm do inside the fallopian tube in order to get as many nutrients as possible?
Sperms are the haploid male gametes which are produced within the seminiferous tubules of the testis and then they get released from the urethra to the outside environment.
The life span of a human sperm after getting released from the body is around 24 hours after which they lose their viability. Also, the sperms remain floated in a fluid called as seminal plasma which is alkaline in nature. Within the semen is present; Fructose which remains released by the seminal vesicle sand they act as the source of energy for the sperm movement.
Further, the nature of the semen is alkaline and they protect the sperms from the acidity of the female reproductive tract.
During insemination, millions of sperms gets ejaculated amongst which a huge number of theirs gets engulfed by the leucocytes present within the female genital tract as they perform the process of phagocytosis. Among the left over, a few succeed to reach the fallopian tubes where the ovum might be present.
In case ovum is not present, the sperms which reach there would lose their viability and die off soon and the energy source; fructose by now completely gets exhausted and also the life span post their release is only around 24 hours.
However, in case of presence of ovum, in order to survive, the sperms would get fused with the ovum; process called as syngamy/fertilization. This leads to the formation of the first diploid cell of the body; the zygote. Within the zygote, initially some energy reserves are present within their cytoplasm and then later as the cleavage reactions or the process of embryo formation commences; the formation of an intimate connection; placenta takes place between the mother and the fetus.
The sperms thus after reaching the fallopian tubes can retain their viability by getting fused with the ovum (process of fertilization) as by donating their haploid pro nuclei, they remain alive; obtain a maximum of nutrients by their ability to express their characteristics.