
In: Computer Science

Reversing Digits - Complete the template program in C++ (Be Original) // reverseNumber.cpp // Reverse the...

Reversing Digits - Complete the template program in C++ (Be Original)

//  reverseNumber.cpp
// Reverse the digits of a number.
#include <iostream>
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

#include <iomanip>
using std::setw;

/* Write prototype for reverseDigits */

int main()
   int number; // input number

   cout << "Enter a number between 1 and 9999: ";
   cin >> number;

   cout << "The number with its digits reversed is: ";

   // find number with digits reversed
   //   STUDENT WRITES CODE HERE ***************

   cout << /* Write call to reverseDigits */ << endl;

   return 0; // indicate successful termination
} // end main

// reverseDigits returns number obtained by reversing digits of n
/* Write function header for reverseDigits */
//   STUDENT WRITES CODE BELOW ***************

   int reverse    = 0;     // reversed number
   int divisor    = 1000;  // current divisor
   int multiplier = 1;     // current multiplier

   // loop until single-digit number
   while ( n > 9 )
      // if n >= current divisor, determine digit
      if ( n >= divisor )
         // update reversed number with current digit
         reverse += n / divisor * multiplier;
         n %= divisor; // update n
         /* Write a line of code that reduces divisor by a factor of 10 */
//   STUDENT WRITES CODE HERE ***************

         /* Write a line of code that increases multiplier by a factor of 10 */
//   STUDENT WRITES CODE HERE ***************

      } // end if
      else // else, no digit
         divisor /= 10; // update divisor
   } // end while

   reverse += n * multiplier;
   return reverse; // return reversed number
} // end function reverseDigits


Expert Solution

// do comment if any problem arises


//  reverseNumber.cpp

// Reverse the digits of a number.

#include <iostream>

using std::cin;

using std::cout;

using std::endl;

#include <iomanip>

using std::setw;

/* Write prototype for reverseDigits */


int reverseDigits(int);

int main()


    int number; // input number

    cout << "Enter a number between 1 and 9999: ";

    cin >> number;

    cout << "The number with its digits reversed is: ";

    // find number with digits reversed

    //   STUDENT WRITES CODE HERE ***************

    cout << reverseDigits(number) << endl;

    return 0; // indicate successful termination

} // end main

// reverseDigits returns number obtained by reversing digits of n

/* Write function header for reverseDigits */

//   STUDENT WRITES CODE BELOW ***************

int reverseDigits(int n)


    int reverse = 0;    // reversed number

    int divisor = 1000; // current divisor

    int multiplier = 1; // current multiplier

    // loop until single-digit number

    while (n > 9)


        // if n >= current divisor, determine digit

        if (n >= divisor)


            // update reversed number with current digit

            reverse += n / divisor * multiplier;

            n %= divisor; // update n

            /* Write a line of code that reduces divisor by a factor of 10 */

            //   STUDENT WRITES CODE HERE ***************

            divisor /= 10;

            /* Write a line of code that increases multiplier by a factor of 10 */

            //   STUDENT WRITES CODE HERE ***************

            multiplier *= 10;

        }                  // end if

        else               // else, no digit

            divisor /= 10; // update divisor

    }                      // end while

    reverse += n * multiplier;

    return reverse; // return reversed number

} // end function reverseDigits


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