
In: Computer Science

REVERSE POLISH CALCULATOR C++ ONLY. For this assignment, you are to write a program, which will...



For this assignment, you are to write a program, which will calculate the results of Reverse Polish expressions that are provided by the user.

You must use a linked list to maintain the stack for this program (NO array implementations of the stack).

You must handle the following situations (errors):
Too many operators (+ - / *)
Too many operands (doubles)
Division by zero

The program will take in a Polish expression that separates the operators and operands by a single space, and terminates the expression with an equals sign.

The program will continue to take and evaluate expressions until the user enters a zero (0) on a line by itself followed by a new line.

Your sample output should show the handling of all the error conditions as well as make use of all of the operators.

Sample IO: (note: formatting of output isn’t a critical issue)
Input Output
10 15 + = 25
10 15 - = -5
2.5 3.5 + = 6 (or 6.0)
10 0 / = Error: Division by zero
10 20 * / = Error: Too many operators
12 20 30 / = Error: Too many operands
-10 -30 - = 20
100 10 50 25 / * - -2 / = -40

Thanks. Will rate if solution is correct.


Expert Solution

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
using namespace std;
struct stack//linked list for stack
   double data;
   struct stack *next;
struct stack *head,*top;

void push(double d)//pushing to stack...//operand stack
       head = new stack();  
       head->data = d;
       head->next =NULL;
       top = head;
       top->next = new stack();
       top->next->data =d;
int stack_length()//finding number of elements in stack
   struct stack *temp =head;
   int i=0;
       temp = temp->next;  
   return i;
double pop()//poping element from stack
   double d;
   struct stack *temp=head;
       cout<<"\nstack is empty\n";
       head =NULL;
       top = NULL;  
   while(temp->next != top)
   temp->next =NULL;
   return d;

//spliting given string at spaces
void split(const std::string& str, std::vector<std::string>& v) {
std::stringstream ss(str);
ss >> std::noskipws;
std::string field;
char ws_delim;
while(1) {
    if( ss >> field )
    else if (ss.eof())
    ss >> ws_delim;

bool is_digit(string a)//finding whether digit or not..
   bool isNumber = true;
   int i;
    return isNumber;

bool evaluate(string e)//evaluating expression
       double p1,p2;
       else if(e=="-")
       else if(e=="/")
               cout<<"Error:Division by zero\n";
               return true;
       if(e=="=")return false;
       cout<<"Error:Too many operators";
       return true;  
   return false;
int main()
   string s;
   vector<string> e;
   int i=0;
   int d;
   else cout<<"Error: Too many operands\n";
   return 0;


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