
In: Psychology

> Our perception of the physical world is influenced by our expectations. This general rule of...

> Our perception of the physical world is influenced by our expectations. This general rule of perception extends to people as well. Our evaluations are colored by our past experiences with a person or by other cues like the way they dress. How do you think you would have evaluated the behavior of the characters in this activity if you had initially been told which one had been diagnosed with a mental disorder?

> Summarize the personal issues that Steve Jobs had in his life.

> Using the biopsychosocial model, explain how the factors in Jobs’ life may have contributed to his illness.

> Steve Jobs’ achievements are certainly not representative of the cultural norms. Do these behaviors make him abnormal? Why or why not?

> What is social comparison? How can it help explain the “Groupon phenomenon”?

>What conditions would increase or decrease the likelihood of an individual using the coupon for which she or he had paid, using the Groupon service?

> Have you ever used Groupon? In what ways do you think that Groupon would affect social cognition?

> Researchers from the University of Toronto Scarborough conducted two experiments that looked at the effect of two different types of motivational intervention on prejudice reduction. Summarize the two types of motivational intervention that were used in their experiments.

> If programs focusing on reducing prejudice are actually increasing prejudice, how should the issue of prejudice be addressed?

> Even though researchers now know that reducing prejudice needs to focus on motivational interventions that are more personal in nature, the authors suggest that controlling prejudice reaction practices are tempting. What benefits do controlling motivational interventions have for prejudice programs?


Expert Solution

Question 1: . How do you think you would have evaluated the behavior of the characters in this activity if you had initially been told which one had been diagnosed with a mental disorder

The perception that people have about the people suffering from mental disorders has been fairly negative. For the society in general, any person diagnosed with a mental disorder is equivalent to being mad. This negative connotation has been as a result if the conservative attitudes that people have been having from age long. This negative view has also been widespread due to the gruesome acts carried out by the psychopaths. On hearing that a person is consulting s therapist, the first thing that comes to the mind of a person is that they might be mentally I’ll. People tend to steer away from anyone suffering from a mental disorder, since, they think that every person labelled as mentally ill is harmful for them. In some of the Eastern cultures or the Asian cultures, a person referred to as being depressed is being weak or emotionally unstable. The first thing on hearing someone to be mentally ill is pity and the thought of self harm. We tend to look at these people with different eyes as we would look at “normal” people, and most of the incoming thoughts will be on keeping the disorder of the person in mind.

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