In: Physics
Discuss the energy of breathing. How do you approximate the energy? What formula represents the pneumatic movement of the lungs in taking a breathe inhale and exhale. Could you actually describe the energy of breathing using W=F*d? Show the transformation from the equation for energy you supplied that did not use work, W or Force, F or displacement, d.
The process of breathing(Physics) involve intake of air and exale of air comprising of expantion and contraction of lungs. When thre is a expansion of lungs the volume increases and pressure decreases and when there is a decrese in volume of lungs pressure increses indicateing the relation between volume and pressure which is stated by Boyles law. Which states pressure of gas is inversely proportion to volume at constsnt temperature under ideal conditions.
Now there is a concept of Pressure involved given by
And the pressure changes in the lungs are related to the volume changes of the lungs and the slope of change in volume and pressure is nealy linear and depends on the elasticity of the lungs and the concept of Compliance is introduced and is detrmined by the the abitliy of pressure in the lungs of changing volume.
And while discussing the flow of air there is a resistence for the flow in to the lungs that is give by a perticular relation.
Now the flow of air is propportion to change in volume per time
NOw obviously work has to be done while intakei(inhale) and oulet(exhale) of air thats given by
is how the simple eqution of W=Fd has to be changes to discribe